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All about borrowing

  • When: books can be borrowed and returned during opening hours. Books can be returned to the box next to the library entrance when the library is closed.
  • How many: students - 30 books, staff - 50 books, MU alumni and external readers: 10 books.
  • How long: absentee loans are for 30 days with the option to extend up to 180 days. Overnight or weekend loans are available by appointment.
  • Extension: you can extend your borrowing yourself in your reader account. The renewal period is 180 days, unless another user is interested in the book. If a reservation is not placed for a book and you still cannot renew, please contact us by email or in person at the lending desk.
  • Reservation: if the book you are interested in is checked out, you have the option to place a reservation request. You will receive a notification in your email when the book is returned by the previous user. Please note, this is only for booking (reserving) borrowed books. Available books (i.e. those that are not borrowed) cannot be reserved.
  • Penalty: if you miss the deadline for returning a book, an extra CZK 5 per day will be charged.
  • Reader account: you can find your account by logging in at Here you will find a list of your borrowings, their return deadline, renewal options or reservation requests.
  • Collection (how it is sorted, signatures): books are sorted alphabetically by signature. Each letter in the alphabet represents a particular subject area, and each title has its own signature, which consists of a letter indicating the subject area and a number indicating the specific title.