Selection procedure
FI is the proud recipient of the HR Excellence in Research Award from the European Commission. In the selection process, we follow the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

Announcement of the selection process
All selection procedures at FI are published on the MU career page, the FI career page and the FI official notice board. Researcher positions are also advertised on the international EURAXESS portal and other industry portals such as ResearchGate and Informatics Europe. Positions for administrative and other staff are also advertised on the Czech job portals and prá
Vacancies at the Faculty of InformaticsElectronic MU application form
Applicants are referred in the advertisements to the MU electronic application form, which is part of the advertisement published on the MU careers website. After submitting the completed application form and the required documents, applicants are immediately informed by automated email that their application has been accepted for the selection procedure. In case of using another method for submitting the application, the FI HR Department will confirm its acceptance to the applicant.
Selection rounds
Selection procedures are multi-round, normally two or three rounds. The first round is a pre-selection based on the required documents. Depending on the specifics of the post, the selection board may also use publicly available information such as citation databases, information on participation in research projects, teaching, etc., or ask the candidate to provide additional documents beyond the requirements published in the call for applications.
The second round is an interview with the panel, which can be conducted in person or using free video-conferencing tools. The second round need not be part of the selection procedure for posts for which the selection procedure is not compulsory.
The third round will vary according to the specifics of the post to be filled. In the case of filling the posts of professors, associate professors, assistant professors, assistant professors and lecturers, this involves a public lecture, usually held in attendance at FI, followed by a discussion with FI staff. This or the next round(s) of the selection procedure may take the form of a vocational test, psychodiagnostic testing, a visit to the workplace to specify the idea of the work activity and to meet potential colleagues, to check the applicant's interest or to find out the applicant's ideas about working conditions, etc.
Selection Committee
The selection panel shall consist of at least three members. The members of the committee may be academic staff, other MU staff or external persons from the scientific community and practice, from both the public and private sectors, provided that they have the appropriate experience to assess the candidates. In the composition of the committee, emphasis is placed on the high professional standards and moral integrity of its members and, where possible, gender balance in the composition of the committee, if this is possible given the specifics of the field.
Informing applicants about the selection procedure
All applicants will be kept informed of the progress of the selection procedure, from the acknowledgement of receipt of their application to the notification of the outcome of the selection procedure.
Feedback to applicants and FIs
After the selection procedure has been completed, the applicant is entitled to ask the selection board for feedback. The Commission will send him/her a reply summarising the strengths and weaknesses of his/her candidature via the FI HR department. At the end of the selection procedure, the FI HR department will ask the candidate to share his/her experience of the selection procedure by means of a questionnaire. The feedback received helps us to improve the selection process at FI.
Candidate satisfaction questionnaireSubmissions to protect rights
Candidates have the opportunity to file a notification regarding a violation of their employment rights in connection with the conduct or outcome of the selection process. The protection of rights is governed by MU Directive 1/2023 Protection of Rights effective from 1 April 2023. The MU ombudsman is JUDr. Eva Janovičová. The Ombudsman can be contacted in the following ways:
- by e-mail to
, - using the online contact form on the MU Rights Protection website,
- in person, through a pre-arranged consultation with the ombudsman,
- via MU mailbox, mailbox ID: 9tmj9e4,
- MU central or electronic mailroom,
- by post 'to the Ombudsman' at the MU address
Administrative arrangements for the selection procedure
The FI Personnel Department is responsible for administrative activities at all stages of the selection procedure. In case of questions or uncertainties, please first consult the Frequently
Asked Questions below. If you have any suggestions for improving this website or questions that are not answered in the FAQ, please contact FI HR at
Internal regulations governing selection procedures
Selection procedures at MU are governed by the MU Selection Procedure Regulations. This Regulation is followed by the Measure of the Dean of FI Rules of selection procedures at FI MU, which regulates in detail the conditions and procedure for selecting candidates for positions at FI.
- Masaryk University Selection Procedure Regulations
- Rules of selection procedures at the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University
Frequently asked questions about the selection procedure and joining FI
How do I apply for an advertised position?
The information you need to apply can be found in the advertisement. You must complete the MU online application form and upload the required documents by the closing date stated in the advertisement. Once you have submitted your MU online application, you will receive an automatic email confirming your acceptance to the selection procedure.
The job is published on the MU career website, the FI career website and the or prá job portal. Does it matter which advert I apply for?
We recommend applying via the MU online application form on the MU careers website. After submitting your MU online application, you will immediately receive an automatic email confirming your acceptance to the selection process as well as links to detailed information about the FI selection process.
What documents do I need to send?
The list of required documents is provided in the advertisement. Please read carefully which language the documents are required in.
Can I apply for the selection procedure after the deadline specified in the advertisement?
No. It is no longer possible to apply after the closing date for applications.
How many people will be admitted?
The number of vacancies is indicated in the advertisement.
How are the interviews conducted?
Interviews are conducted in person or using free video conferencing tools. If you do not have experience with online interviews, you can use our brief tutorials on how to use MS Teams and ZOOM. The panel always acts in a way that does not treat candidates unequally on the basis of geographical distance.
When are candidates invited to interview?
FI's HR department will inform candidates of the outcome of the pre-selection without undue delay after the interview. Successful candidates will receive information on the next round of the selection procedure and the composition of the selection board, together with information on the progression to the next round.
When can I expect a response to my application?
Immediately after submitting an electronic application to MU, applicants will receive an automated email confirming their acceptance into the selection procedure. Once the selection committee has completed the pre-selection process, we will immediately inform successful applicants of the further progress of the selection process and unsuccessful applicants of the termination of their participation in the selection process.
Who should I contact if I have any questions about the selection procedure?
If you have any uncertainties or questions about the selection process, please contact the FI HR Department at
If I am successful in the selection process, what happens next?
We send an email with detailed instructions and relevant documents (personal questionnaire, application for an initial occupational health examination) before you start your employment.
How do you process candidates' personal data?
During all phases of the selection procedure, only the data about applicants that are strictly necessary and relevant for the job to be filled at the time are requested and processed. Candidates' personal data is stored in lockable furniture and/or on IT devices with a password.
FI's Personnel Department and all members of the selection board are obliged to shred or delete all material intended solely for the purposes of the selection procedure after the selection procedure has ended and not to handle any further selected data.