Student research and development projects FI MU
By supporting student research and development projects, the Faculty of Informatics tries to stimulate the development of high quality, generally applicable and freely distributable software. The aim of the programme is to contribute to the development of open source software and at the same time to make the creative potential and professional skills of the Faculty's students visible in a national and international context.
The student projects are mainly carried out by students of Bachelor and/or Master studies under the guidance of a faculty member who is the professional guarantor responsible for the project, its coordination, the management of funds and the public presentation of the achieved results. The project can also be led by a PhD student. In the event that the student is not also an employee of the Faculty of Informatics, a member of staff, e.g. the supervisor of the PhD student, must take formal responsibility for the project.
The objectives of the project may or may not be of a scientific nature and may or may not be carried out within one of the Faculty's existing laboratories. The allocated funds may be used for regular monthly remuneration of students or to cover other costs necessary for the realisation of the objectives of the project. Funds may be requested for a maximum of one year at any one time. Long-term projects may be supported repeatedly if their objectives are adequately pursued. In such a case, it is desirable to mention the expectation of future requests for repeated support (with justification) in the first project and to refer to this mention in subsequent requests for repeated support.
Institutional support is intended for the further development of projects that already show results (e.g. a development version of the programme is available) and have a web presence. Institutional support cannot be obtained solely on the basis of a project plan that is not further supported by at least partial results. An important aspect of successful projects is the longevity of their results, which should persist beyond the end of the project itself and beyond the researcher's studies. It is recommended to publish all project results (including source code and data) on the faculty gitlab or similar repository of the sponsoring laboratory.
A statement regarding overlap with thesis work is required as part of the application. In general, overlap with thesis work is not recommended. This program does not serve to fund theses.
Project design and solution
A project proposal may be submitted based on the current call. Fill in the project proposal electronically in Inet (ISEP): title, proposer, date of solution, investor - Masaryk University, project type - FI internal projects, subprogramme - Programme for support of student research and development projects, tick yes/no - applied research, GDPR, ethics, project role - beneficiary, HS - Faculty of Informatics, department, write a brief annotation and save. After that, other tabs will expand, which you also fill in (program for support of student R&D projects, budget, people). Finally, in the approval tab, you put close and approve electronically. You can see the generated pdf proposal in the approval tab.
You can consult with the FI Research and Project Support staff in advance about the intent of the project and any uncertainties about completing the proposal.
If the project is funded, the sponsor will be informed by email, the proposal will be transferred in ISEP to the projects under implementation and the project will be awarded. At this point it is possible to start the project and submit a proposal (via INET) for the award of the grant.
At 3-month intervals during the project, the investigator will upload a short interim report on the project to ISEP (projects in progress).
Upon completion of the project, a final report should be prepared on the appropriate form and signed by the supervisor and delivered to the Research and Project Support Unit of the Faculty of Informatics and also uploaded (in pdf) to ISEP . The researcher then presents and defends the project solution at a public presentation and defence, which takes place twice a year at FI.
Current call for student research and development projects
- Deadline for project submission: until 20 November 2024 (inclusive), the proposal must be submitted via the ISEP template - project proposal editor
- Deadline for announcing the results of the call for proposals: by 20 December 2024
- Start of project funding: from 1 January 2025
- Scholarship programme for support of student research and development projects (Measures of the Dean of the Faculty of Informatics of Masaryk University - Scholarship programmes, Article 8, as amended)
- Final project report form (.doc)
Common mistakes in the project proposal
Based on experience with previous proposals, we recommend avoiding in particular the following mistakes, which will most likely lead to the project being rejected:
- Vague specification of project objectives. It is not enough to state the general objectives (e.g. "development of software for working with pdf files for Linux"), it is necessary to describe the specific outputs and/or functionality of the software to be achieved (together with the corresponding timetable). It must be clear from the project proposal what is actually to be accomplished and subsequently monitored in each stage. It must also be clear what the current status is (e.g. existing software functionality) and what amount of work will be done in the project.
- Insufficient justification of financial costs. The main item in the project costs is usually the stipends for the members of the project team. It should be clearly stated how the individual team members will be involved in the project and what the expected workload is. The members of the selection committee must assess whether the funding requested is proportionate to the expected benefits of the project. Funding for travel may only be requested in very exceptional and well justified cases (in particular, student projects are not intended to fund student participation in scientific conferences; other sources should be used for this purpose).
- Formal errors. The project proposal must be submitted on the appropriate form and contain all the required information. A strict distinction must be made between the description of the current situation and the description of the objectives of the project (e.g. if the project is to create a new plugin for an existing program, it is not sufficient to state that the existing program is distributed under a free license. What is important is the license under which the newly created plugin will be distributed). The committee members cannot "infer" missing data from the context; the only basis for their decision is the explicitly stated facts.
Projects approved for funding
January 2023:
- Andrej Genčur - project completed
- Andrej Genčur - project completed
July 2022:
- Bruno Petrus - project completed with praise
- Jonáš Rosecký, Adam Štěpánek - project completed
- Michal Klinka - project completed
- Alexandra Skysľaková - project completed
- Matěj Pavlík - project completed
- Vojtěch Kalivoda, Marek Toma - project completed
July 2021:
- Tereza Vrabcová - project completed
- Jakub Košvanec, Adrián Rošinec - project completed
January 2021:
- Oldřich Pecák - project completed with praise
- Vladimír Chlup, Patrick Ondika, Ondřej Svoboda - project completed with praise
- Jakub Ryšavý - project completed
- Dominik Rehák - project completed
- Ondřej Borýsek, Martin Krebs - project completed with praise
- December 2019:
December 2018:
- Marek Havlík, Lukrécia Mertová - project completed
- Dávid Lupták - project completed with a material reservation
- Zuzana Baranová, Lukáš Korenčík, Adam Matoušek - project completed
April 2018:
- Lubomír Jahn, Martin Schvarcbacher- project completed
- Ján Petrák, Mikoláš Stuchlík - project completed with reservation
- Peter Hutta - project completed
- Roman Solař - project completed with reservation on management
- Tomáš Krutý - project not implemented
December 2017:
- Dávid Lupták - project completed
- Vít Novotný - project completed with praise
April 2017:
- Zuzana Baranová, Jan Mrázek - project completed with praise
- Samuel Antol, Maroš Bet'ko, Tomáš Nejedlý, Věnka Vařeková, Martina Marešová, Marcel Otruba - project completed
- Tomáš Jašek, Martina Vitovská - project completed with praise
- Aaron Samuel Kovács, Matúš Talčík - project completed with praise
- Rastislav Štefanko - project completed
- Františka Romanovská, Milan Mikuš, Jakub Šalagovič, Matej Troják - project completed
April 2016:
- Bruno Mižík, Filip Mrváň - project completed
- Marek Žuži - project completed
- Michal Trněný - project completed
- Ľubomír Obrátil - project completed
- Ján Bella - project completed
- Jan Karásek - project completed with praise
- Martina Vitovská - project completed
- Vít Novotný - project completed
December 2015:
- Jakub Šalagovič, Matej Troják - project completed
- Dávid Lupták, Vít Novotný - project completed
- Vít Novotný - project completed with praise
- Marek Chalupa, Martina Vitovská - project completed with praise
- Henrich Lauko, Jan Mrázek, Vladimír Štill - project completed with praise
April 2015:
- Marek Tomáštík - project completed with praise
- Vít Novotný - project completed with praise
- Lukáš Němec - project completed with praise
- Marek Chalupa - project completed with praise
- Michal Zima - project completed
- Zuzana Ferková, Katarína Furmanová, Marek Galvánek, Marek Žuži, Jakub Jozef Pálenik - project completed
December 2014:
- Vladimír Štill, Jiří Weiser, Kristína Zákopčanová - project completed
- Samuel Pastva - project completed
- Ján Bella, Milan Doležal, Antonín Hojný, Michal Hroš, Miroslava Jarešová - project completed with praise
- Adriana Šmijáková - project completed
- Jiří Kantor, Radek Stibora - project completed
April 2014:
- Jaromír Kala, Peter Novák, Milan Seman - project completed
- Petr Pilař, Andrej Tokarčík - project completed
- Radek Stibora - project completed
- Milan Doležal, Antonín Hojný, Miroslava Jarešová, Aleksei Penzentcev, Ján Bella, Michal Hroš - project completed with praise
- Pavel Čadek, Viktor Toman - project completed
December 2013:
- Vilém Otte, Radek Stibora - project completed
- Jan Botorek - project completed with praise
- Vít Stanislav - project completed
- Jakub Adler, David Formánek, Dominik Szalai, Robert Šiška - project completed
- Jaroslav Klech - project completed with praise
- Desana Daxnerová, Pavel Kajaba, Matej Minárik, Michal Bábel - project completed
- Katarína Furmanová, Marek Galvánek, Zuzana Ferková, Matej Lobodáš, Zuzana Lýová - project completed
- Martin Demko, Aleš Pejznoch - project completed
March 2013:
- Ondřej Bouda - project completed
December 2012:
- Tomáš Hrabal, Hoa Quoc Tran, Michal Halaj - project completed
- Jakub Valtar, Erik Vaněk, Filip Volner - project completed
- Milan Lenčo, Vladimír Štill, Jiří Weiser, Vojtěch Havel - project completed with praise
- Viktor Borza, Adrian Farmadin, Milan Malota, Tomáš Márton - project completed
- Katarína Furmanová, Jan Kalát, Marek Galvánek, Zuzana Ferková - project completed
- Marek Medveď - project completed with praise
- Martin Pruška, Rastislav Tisovčík - project completed
March 2012:
- Martin Tesar - project completed with praise
- Lukáš Ručka - project completed with praise
- Jaromír Kala, Peter Novák - project completed
- Jan Papoušek, Tomáš Vejpustek - project completed
- Jan Havlíček, Jan Kriho, Pavel Mičan - project completed
- Ondřej Bouda - project completed
January 2010:
- Ondřej Bouda - project not completed
- Petr Kunc, Martin Novák, Pavel Smolka - project completed with praise
June 2009:
- Michal Růžička - project completed
- Tomáš Králíček - project completed with praise
November 2008:
- Vojtěch Přehnal - project completed
- Juraj Jurčo - project completed
- Ľuboš Korenčiak, Ondřej Kocian, Martin Křivánek - project completed
- Petr Ročkai, Tomáš Janoušek, Martin Moráček, Petr Bauch - project completed
- Milan Kabát, Petr Slovák, Pavel Troubil - project completed
- Václav Vacek, Matúš Madzin - project completed
- Vojtěch Kovář - project completed
- Marek Blahuš - project completed
- Martin Novák, Petr Kunc - project completed with praise
- Igor Zemský, Miroslav Warchil - project completed
May 2008:
- Michal Růžička - project completed
- Sven Dražan, Jana Fabriková - project completed with praise
- Zdenek Rehak - project completed
- Martin Beneš, Jiří Matela - project completed
- Zdeněk Kedaj - project completed
- Matěj Prišt'ák - project completed with praise