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  • Informatické kolokvium 9. 5. An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project and some initial results

    Informatické kolokvium 9. 5. 2017, 14:00 posluchárna D2
    doc. Fotios Liarokapis, Ph.D., FI MU
    An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project and some initial results
    Abstrakt: The project iMARECULTURE (Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and
    Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater
    CULTURal heritage) is focusing in raising European identity awareness using
    maritime and underwater cultural interaction and exchange in Mediterranean Sea.
    Commercial ship routes joining Europe with other cultures are vivid examples of
    cultural interaction, while shipwrecks and submerged sites, unreachable to wide
    public are excellent samples that can benefit from immersive technologies,
    augmented and virtual reality. The projects aim to bring inherently unreachable
    underwater cultural heritage within digital reach of the wide public using
    virtual visits and immersive technologies. Apart from reusing existing 3D data
    of underwater shipwrecks and sites, with respect to ethics, rights and
    licensing, to provide a personalized dry visit to a museum visitor or augmented
    reality to the diver, it also emphasizes on developing pre- and after- encounter
    of the digital or physical museum visitor.
    This presentation will present the architecture and the first results of the
    Horizon 2020 i-MARECULTURE project that aims to develop and integrate digital
    technologies for supporting the wide public in acquiring knowledge about UCH. A
    Virtual Reality (VR) system will be developed to allow users to visit the
    underwater sites through the use of Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) or digital
    holographic screens. Two serious games will be implemented for supporting the
    understanding of the ancient Mediterranean seafaring and the underwater
    archaeological excavations. An Augmented Reality (AR) system based on an
    underwater tablet will be developed to serve as virtual guide for divers that
    visit the underwater archaeological sites.
    Stručný životopis: Dr. Fotis Liarokapis is an Associate Professor at the
    Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory, Masaryk University. His research
    interests include: virtual and augmented reality; procedural modeling,
    human-machine interaction and serious games. He has contributed to more than 100
    refereed publications and has more than 2000 citations (h-index: 22 and
    i10-index: 38). He has been invited more than 80 times to become member of
    international conference committees and has chaired 16 sessions in 11
    international conferences. Fotis has secured more than €1,000,000 from a number
    of national and international research projects. He is a member of IEEE, IET,
    ACM and Eurographics. Moreover, he is the co-founder of VS-Games conference and
    has organised numerous conferences and journal special issues. For more
    information visit:

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