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  • Přednáška prof. Heikkilä v oblasti Computer Vision na FI 8.12.2015 16:00

    V úterý 8. prosince 2015 v 16:00 hod. proběhne v zasedací místnosti (B517) Fakulty informatiky MU přednáška profesora Janne Heikkilä z Finska o výzkumu v jejich skupině, která patří ke světové špičce v oblasti Computer Vision, s názvem: LBP and beyond: computer vision research at the University of Oulu.

    Abstract: Center for Machine Vision Research (CMV) is well-known of its Local Binary Pattern (LBP) methodology, which has been successfully applied in various computer vision problems. In addition, there are many other research topics in CMV including blur insensitive image and texture descriptors, image-based 3D modeling, computational photography, and biomedical image analysis. This talk will give an overview and present some highlights of the recent research activities carried out in CMV.
    Více informací: CMV, Janne Heikkilä.