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Erasmus+ study spring 2018
Special scholarship for student mobility to 28 days
Informatics colloquium 16. 5. The "art of trellis decoding" is fixed-parameter tractable
Informatics colloquium 9. 5. An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project and some initial results
Informatics Colloquium 2. 5. Why should the authorities lie to you
Informatics Colloquium 25. 4. Ako k nám priletela vesmírom (iná) Pytagorova veta
Erasmus+ study spring 2018
Informatics Colloquium 11. 4. Využití superpočítačů při ultrazvukové léčbě rakoviny
Informatics Colloquium 4. 4. CERT Communication in the light of GDPR and the NIS Directive