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  • Pozvánka na přednášku Evolutionary Optimization Techniques

    Dear students,
    we would like to invite you to the Evolutionary Optimization Techniques.
    Date and time: Friday 16th of May 2014, 10:00
    Place: Faculty of Informatics MU, Botanická 68a, room C516
    Speaker: Michaela Šikulová (Faculty of Information Technology, Brno University

    Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) belong to stochastic heuristic algorithms that are
    used for finding an optimal solution in the domain space of the solved problem.
    EAs are inspired by fundamental principles of Darwinian evolution and
    Neo-Darwinism - the phylogenesis. EAs are successfully applied to the complex
    problem solving in the artificial inteligence, engineering or optimization. In
    this talk the fundamental principles of EAs will be introduced. We focus on
    Genetic Programming as the tool for identification of the solved problem hidden
    model and Genetic Programming optimization using coevolutionary algorithms in
    order to accelerate the evolutionary process and to provide the ability to adapt
    to dynamically changing conditions during the evolutionary process. Examples in
    connection with biological models design and optimization will be provided.
    More information at