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  • Red Hat zve na setkání CZJBUG ve středu 12. 12. 2012

    Czech JBoss User Group Vás srdečně zve na setkání JBUG, které se koná ve
    středu 12. prosince 2012 v prostorách Fakulty Informatiky Masarykovy Univerzity
    místnost D2 od 19:00.

    Presenter: Max Rydahl Andersen, JBoss Tools Lead

    OpenShift is Red Hat's Platform-As-A-Service which supports multiple languages and frameworks.

    In this talk we will present on how OpenShift works and especially how to use it from Eclipse and with the JavaEE Support it has.

    We will outline how to
    Deploy JavaEE applications
    Debug your app locally and remotely on OpenShift
    Monitor your application
    Load data into an SQL database and use it
    Use Eclipse and Forge with OpenShift
    Configure/tweak AS7 and OpenShift it self

    And if time we can give a few tips & tricks for OpenShiftplus outline other features of OpenShift and compare it to other PAAS you might have experience with.