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    We invite you to the Open Science Roadshow at FI MU

    Do you publish? Do you produce research data? Do you want to be better prepared for the upcoming changes in academic practice? Come and get introduced to the forthcoming MUNI Open Science Strategy for the years 2022–2028. The strategy focuses primarily on Open Access (open access to scientific publications) and FAIR Data (research data). These topics are currently resonating in the international and European research practices (the European Open Science Cloud initiative or the Horizon Europe framework program) and gradually in the Czech Republic.

    What is the goal of the Open Science Roadshow at MUNI? Introduce the university Open Science Strategy draft and get your feedback, which will significantly contribute to its finalization and subsequent submission for MUNI management approval. We will present the planned steps and Open Science's main principles as a new type of infrastructure for advanced scientific services.

    Use this unique opportunity to influence the university's direction in Open Science from the perspective of your faculty/department.

    The meeting for the academic and research community of the Faculty of Informatics will take place 21.5.2021 from 9:00 to 11:00 online using the MS Teams application. Please register here (we will send you a reminder one day before the event).

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