Yenya's World

Tue, 01 Jul 2008


On the mobile devices front, I have decided to buy Nokia E51 phone and a n810 tablet PC. So far I have got only the phone, so this is my experience after using E51 for a week or so:

I have decided to try what it means to have a supported commercial non-free OS, and asked the Nokia technical support about unicode fonts. Their reply was something like "we do not know, use a freeware sites if you want."

Section: /computers (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 2 writebacks

2 replies for this story:

Martin wrote: Spare N810

Do you want to try N810? I have one here at ICS MUNI that I do not use I can borrow to you (maybe even sell, I do not use it so heavily as I have expected).

Yenya wrote: Re: Spare N810

Thanks for the offer, but I think I will have mine in a few days. Besides, I have a n770, so I can imagine how the UI feels.

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