Yenya's World

Tue, 04 May 2010


I don't use except for occasionally reading a .doc file people send to me instead of writing in plain text. I don't know anything about its internals, and I only have a general feeling that is a huge bloated mess[1]. Today I have attempted to confine under SELinux in order to be able to convert untrusted documents to PDF or HTML. I am still not done, but my experience so far has brought the term "huge bloated mess" to a completely new level.

Here are few examples:

On a positive side, with the -headless option now finally can run without actually requiring a connection to the X server (I have discovered it only after spending several hours writing a policy for confining Xvfb. Oh well).

I wonder how many security holes in are waiting to be discovered, because I can't imagine at all how such a code base can be audited for security problems.

[1] Things like mixing Java, C, and their own scripting language for extensions, dialog windows which keep popping up no matter how many times I attempt to close them, their document recovery dialog, and other minor and major surprises.

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2 replies for this story:

Adelton wrote: Shell

There's really no problem running the shell under the confined domain. It won't need to transition, just use the same domain as the calling process. As for the /media directory, it's mnt_t -- just dontaudit it if you are sure you won't need it, and you are done. In general, I wonder if Dan Walsh's sandbox or sandbox -X could be the thing you're looking for.

Yenya wrote: Re: Shell

I have of course already dontaudited mnt_t. But I still think it would be more tightly confined when no exec(2) would be required (and shell - as opposed to exec(2) of a simple program - is much worse). I have of course looked at sandbox (the new does not need -X).

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