Yenya's World

Wed, 03 Oct 2007

Tree in a Pot: Part Two

It has been almost two years since I bought my first bonsai tree. It was Serissa foetida ("A Tree of a Thousand Stars"). Looking back at this time I am quite surprised that I am still as interested in bonsai as I was two years ago.

serissa 2007

As you can see, my Serissa is still alive :-). It has grown up a bit, so I have decided to grow another level of branches - I have removed most of the apic, keeping only two main branches of the original apic, and another one which I plan to use as a new apic.

serissa flower

The tree has grown many flowers in the last month or so (probably in response to heavier pruning in the apic).

Serissa is not hard to maintain, but it requires a lot of time - without monthly (or tri-weekly) backpruning the apical growth makes the tree proportions out of balance, and (even though I keep my Serissa near the southern window) leafs get more than twice as big on the unpruned twigs than on the backpruned ones.

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1 replies for this story:

Peter Kruty wrote: Wow!

I'm really impressed by the first picture. Nice plant, can you make a picture to be link to a larger version, please?

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