Yenya's World

Fri, 27 Mar 2009

Status Update

I am still alive, but busy doing a real-life work rather than writing about it :-) In the meantime, I have received my results from the JLPT 3 exam: I have passed, but with lower points than I had from JLPT 4 last year. So the next step would be JLPT 2, requiring about 1000 more words and 600 more Kanji, definitely not a task for the next year only.

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2 replies for this story:

Peter Kruty wrote: JLPT 3

Congratulations! :)

Spes wrote:

> but busy doing a real-life work rather than writing about it Try microblogging (Twitter, etc.), good for short status updates, comments, feelings... Or 'omedeto gozaimas' as well :)

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