Yenya's World

Fri, 26 Oct 2007


In EurOpen, my roommate had a GPS and was into this Geocaching thing. So we have tried to find some nearby caches. During one afternoon we have found five caches, and I've got a Geocoin[?].

It was quite interesting, we have visited places which we would not normally visit. However, the weather was quite bad (fog, rain and snow), so we could not appreciate the landscape views. I hope I get my own GPS soon, and maybe I will even try geocaching myself.

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4 replies for this story:

Vasek Stodlka wrote:

Hm, I see this "sport" for a first time and it is really interesting for me. It may be a reason to buy a GPS. Unfortunately I have no money - my car is currently in service (to replace brakes, cooling fluid, and radio antena) I am expecting an invoice with a fear...

Stepan wrote:

If you are interested in brainpuzzles like Tmou, you can enjoy some very good mystery caches... IE Enigma serie.

Věroš wrote:

Yes, and usually you visit the interesting places from very unexpected directions :-) You even don't need to own GPS. We tried to measure position accuracy on and it's surprisngly very high. Y

Yenya wrote: Re: Věroš

Actually, I have also thought about GPS-less geocaching, but could not find a suitable map. I will try, thanks for a hint!

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