Yenya's World

Thu, 15 Sep 2005

Google's Blogsearch

It seems Google started a search engine specialized to searching blogs. I've tried to look up "Yenya".

Two of four results are about myself, which is not so bad. But in fact both of these pages refer to my Linux on Asus M6R page, and strangely enough, both pages are in Japanese. I don't speak Japanese, but it looks like a 302 search engine spam/cloaking, because the contents (as seen by Blogsearch) is exactly the same as my Asus M6R page, but I have not found anything like this on the pages themselves.

So in fact, Blogsearch did not find my blog. Their FAQ suggest about subscribing to, which I still need to figure out how it works. Maybe next time Google will find me. However, one would expect that they implement some heuristics on top of their web pages database to find blogs on the Internet themselves. The "subscribe to" model looks flawed to me.

UPDATE 2005/09/15: That was fast!
An hour or so ago I registered my blog to, and now the search results for word "Yenya" point to my blog (and the four items which were there before are displayed last :-).

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