Yenya's World

Wed, 16 May 2007

Gnome Terminal

A command of the day is the following one:

gconftool-2 --set -t string /apps/gnome-terminal/keybindings/help disabled

From the usability point of view it is pretty annoying, when gnome-terminal interprets the F1 key as a command for opening the help window.

Firstly, a pretty straightforward application like this one does not need any help for basic usage. And for the advanced usage, the help is already accessible from the menu bar. And the second reason is that the F1 key (which is rarely used itself) is located too close to the often-used Escape key on most laptop keyboards. It was rather annoying when in vim I've got the help window instead of the Escape key.

Section: /computers/desktops (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 1 writebacks

1 replies for this story:

dan wrote: esc caps

Try to remap Esc to Caps-Lock and vice-versa. Caps-Lock is right next to the little finger, as opposed to Esc which is about 10cm from any finger. If you write with all ten fingers, it will save you a lot of time in the long run. I've tried it some time ago and I got used to it in 15 minutes. Now I don't want to go back =).

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