Yenya's World

Wed, 10 Dec 2014

Apache Reload Bug

Yesterday I discovered something that I suspect to be a bug in Apache: we use the same config file for many of our systems, and put the specific parts inside the <IfDefine> blocks.

When the Apache started, it worked as expected. However, after a graceful reload, it seems that some instances of Apache started interpreting some <IfDefine> blocks, even though the particular <IfDefine> string was not present in their command line. I have even verified this by creating a dummy <IfDefine> block with a non-existent directive - the Apache server has started correctly, but died on a syntax error in the config file after a graceful reload.

Long story short, I have upgraded to the latest-greatest version of Apache, and the problem has disappeared. Has anybody seen something similar?

Section: /computers (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 3 writebacks

3 replies for this story:

Atrament wrote:

s/Yesterday I have discovered/I discovered/ Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but I noticed you misuse the present perfect very often. Present perfect (I have discovered) is to be used only when you speak about present, when you are talking about something what happened in the past, use the past simple (I discovered):)

Yenya wrote: Re: Atrament

OK, fixed. Thanks!

Atrament wrote:

s/Yesterday I have discovered/I discovered/ Sorry to be a grammar Nazi but I noticed you misuse the present perfect very often. Present perfect (I have discovered) is to be used only when you speak about present, when you are talking about something what happened in the past, use the past simple (I discovered):)

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