Yenya's World

Thu, 01 Feb 2007

Girls Everywhere

It seems that these days, every university or faculty[*] needs to have an attractive girl in their home page, presumably to attract applicants :-)

banner FI

We had to follow the suit, of course :-) I brought my tripod, flashlight, and camera, and we spent some time taking photos. Tomáš then did an excellent work when creating the banner from my photos. While the title page and the page for applicants are nice, it still feels kind of weird to see the people I know in person in this banner. Oh, and BTW - this is my laptop they are looking at. To make them smile, I even displayed an episode of Azumanga Daioh there :-)

[*] the ESF page needs to be reloaded few times to actually get an image of a girl.

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4 replies for this story:

Vasek Stodulka wrote:

When I have seen the banner, I thought that there are charming people with a ughly laptop. :-) You should borrow them Vlasta's Mac.

Yenya wrote: Mac

We have _intended_ to use Vlasta's Mac. But Vlasta did not come in time, so we had to use my laptop instead. Blame him :-)

Spes wrote: Mac

Hey, don't blame me! :) I didn't know about this photo session :-p

honza holcapek wrote: wow

or should I say wtf? what is the next big thing? advanced php course? :-)

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