Yenya's World

Fri, 10 Feb 2006

Sendvič 2006

Like last two years, even this year we will take part in Sendvič 2006 - an on-line puzzle solving competition. Our team coredump was not so bad in the previous years.

Sendvič is different from TMOU or similar competitions in that it is strictly on-line, and it is very time-limited. It is similar in style to the qualification for TMOU 7. This year the organizers of the game asked whether we would object if the next year's game is in English - so maybe next year we will have even more teams to compete with.

After two third places, I hope we have a good chance to win this year :-).

Section: /personal (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 3 writebacks

3 replies for this story:

Spes wrote: Heh ...

... you think that you have a good change before every game :-))

Spes wrote:

chance not change, srry

Yenya wrote: Good chance

Yes, I do :-)

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