Yenya's World

Fri, 17 Mar 2006

Fedora Core 5

On Monday afternoon there is a scheduled release of Fedora Core 5 (the link will be working after the release). I have mirrored it from the upstream site (thanks to Jakub Jelinek), and I have tried to upgrade some of my boxes to FC5.

So far it looks mostly OK, with the following glitches:

Apart from that, I think FC5 is a decent system - I like new graphics (and the ClearLooks theme). I have yet to explore the new technologies like Avahi and others. I have tried both i386 and AMD64 systems, and Vlasta even installed FC5/ppc on his iBook.

Section: /computers (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 4 writebacks

4 replies for this story:

valor wrote:

It seems you forgot to put http:// at the beginning of your Avahi link.. Btw: I like the new ClearLooks as well :)

Yenya wrote:

Fixed, thanks.

spes wrote:

I hate ClearLooks, I set old RH theme (can't remember name right now).

adelton wrote: Where is the old hourglass?

Ugh. Installed the FC5, but: how do I get back the hourglass mouse cursor? The blue flying ball is flying waaaay to fast for me and it is very distracting.

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