IV054 Codes, Cryptography and Cryptographical Protocols

Information and materials to the lecture (sylabus v IS).

Contacts: gruska@fi.muni.cz
Teaching hours: streda 10:00-11:40 D2
Office hours: streda 12-14 J. Gruska B401, utery 10-12 M. Pivoluska B002
Assignments: Exercises will be posted the day before the lecture at 18.00. Podmienky pre odovzdavanie a hodnotenie cviceni, pre skusku a zapocet
Exams: 19.12.2012 o 16.30 v B411., 4.1.2013 o 11.00, 15.1.2013 o 11.00, 22.1.2013 o 11.00
Podakovanie: Sucasnu formu tejto webovskej stranky vytvoril, pre uzitok vsetkych, Peter Boros, byvaly student IV054

Slides and exercises

Slides for future lectures accessible bellow and denoted as old are from 2010. Modified and actualized version of the slides will be usualy posted the day before the lecture or after the lecture. It is highly recomended to read/study the Appendix first.

Contents Contents of the lecture
Literature List of literature
Lecture 1 Basics of coding - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 2 Linear codes- new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 3 Cyclic codes and channel codes - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 4 Secret key cryptography- new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 5 Public key cryptography – key exchange, knapsack, RSA - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 6 Other public-key cryptosystems and basic cryptographic primitives - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 7 Digital signatures - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 8 Cryptography of eliptic curves, factorization-new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new - corrected
Lecture 9 Authentication, identification, secret sharing and e-busines - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises - new
Lecture 10 protocols doing seemingly impossible - new Slides 2×2 handouts Exercises (last one for 2012) - new
Lecture 11 Steganography and watermarking - new Slides 2×2 handouts
Lecture 12 From crypto-theory to crypto-practice - new Slides -2×2 handouts
Lecture 13 Quantum cryptography - new Slides 2×2 handouts
Lecture 14 History of cryptography and cryptographic machins Slides 2×2 handouts
Appendix Algebra and number theory introduction Appendix