Informace a materialy k predmetu IV054

Error-correcting codes, cryptography and cryptographical protocols

(CRYPTOGRAPHY - Streda 10-11.40, D2)

Konzultacie: Streda 12-14 (J. Gruska, B401), utery 10-12 (I. Fialik, B002).

Skusky: 17.12.2009 - 8.30 zasadacka na 5.posch., 26.1.2010 o 9.00 v B410, 29.1 o 11.00 v B410, 3.2.2010 o 11.00 v B011, 10.2.2010 o 11.00 v B011

Exercises will be posted the day before the lecture at 18.00. PODMIENKY PRE ODOVZDAVANIE a HODNOTENIE CVICENI, pre SKUSKU a ZAPOCET

Slides to the lecture: (Slides for future lectures accessible bellow and denoted as old are from 2008. Modified and actualized version of the slides will be posted the day before the lecture. It is highly recomended to read/study the Appendix first.)