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News on projects

Here you can find information about current open calls related to the Faculty of Informatics. Further information can be found on our Research Funding webpage . Information not only about projects, grant calls, research at MU can be found on the MU Portal. The RMU Research Department sends out an email summary of news on Fridays; you can subscribe to this email here. Researchers can also use the application, which allows easy automatic search and monitoring of calls for research, experimental development and innovation projects announced by national and international grant providers.

We would like to ask those of you who are considering joining grant calls or looking for a suitable call for your research to inform us promptly by email at or in person at the Research and Project Support Department. Please allow approximately 7 working days before the funder's deadline for submission of proposals to FI, unless otherwise stated for an individual call.

The Faculty of Informatics of MU became a recipient of the HR AWARD in April 2021, more information can be found on the Faculty's website. MU has also approved the Masaryk University Gender Equality Plan ( GEP), the link is available here .

Upcoming seminars

  • AZV CR is organizing a hybrid seminar on the new competition "VES 2025" on Tuesday 21 May 2024 at 10 am, registration is required.
  • RMU is organizing an online seminar in English on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at 10.30 a.m. on the new competition "VES 2025" for scientists, please register here.
  • MU is organising an online internal seminar on 22 May 2024 at 10 a.m. on the Data Management Plan - now a mandatory part of interim and final reports of some providers, registration required.
  • MU is organising an internal Funding Landscapes seminar on 6 June 2024 at 9 a.m. Registration is required. The seminar is designed for researchers and academics who want to navigate European grant schemes, learn how to search for funding opportunities and understand the expectations of individual funders.
  • MU is organising an in-house seminar How to write a competitive proposal on 7 June 2024 at 9 a.m. Registration is required. The seminar is designed for researchers and academics interested in improving their skills in preparing grant applications.

Currently open calls, information on reporting


European Commission

  • The Faculty of Informatics of MU became a HR AWARD holder in April 2021, more information can be found on the Faculty's website. MU also has an approved Gender Equality Plan/ Masaryk University Gender Equality Plan (GEP), link available here .
  • Erasmus+ projects - EC calls and deadlines for Erasmus+ cooperation projects can be found here.

J. William Fulbright Commission

  • The J. William Fulbright Commission is an intergovernmental Czech-American organisation established to promote educational, scientific and cultural exchanges between the Czech Republic and the USA through scholarship programmes and advisory and information services. The main focus of the Fulbright Commission's work is the administration of government scholarships and other programs for study, research and teaching in the U.S. for Czech citizens and vice versa for U.S. scholarship holders at academic institutions in the Czech Republic. The administration of the programs includes activities related to the selection process and the scholarship holders' stay in the U.S. or the Czech Republic. For more information, including current offers, please visit the Fulbright Commission' s website .

Other opportunities for international cooperation

Internment projects for faculty members

  • An overview of possible sources of internalisation for faculty staff can be found here, including cooperation in the areas of mobility, partnership development and training, innovation, etc.


Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (GAČR)

  • It is possible to submit projects on the principle of LA evaluation with the expected start of the solution in 2025, when the GAČR acts as a partner organisation. These are projects for which it is possible to submit proposals continuously during the year - Austria, Germany, USA. Furthermore, with a set deadline - Poland (autumn 2024), Slovenia (winter 2024), Luxembourg (winter 2024), Switzerland (1 October 2024) and now Croatia (10 May 2024), the Czech part of the application can be submitted within 7 days from the submission of the proposal to the foreign agency. Further information can be found on the GAČR website on the MU Portal and faculty information in IS. On the GAČR website you can also find a video tutorial on how to fill in the proposal in GRIS. We kindly ask any interested parties to inform the project support for GACR Ing. Komárková as soon as possible.

Ministry of Youth, Education and Sports (MEST)

  • The Ministry of Education and Science has announced a public call for the Mobility Programme:
    - France - the deadline for submitting proposals to the MoE is 30 May 2024, the deadline for FI is 23 May 2024 (the proposal needs to be approved by ISEP and then signed by the Rector). The MoE documents for the call are available on the Czech-French Mobility website.
    - Germany - the deadline for submission of proposals is 10 June 2024. the deadline for FI is 2 June 2024 (the proposal must be approved by ISEP and then signed by the Rector). The MoE documents for the call are available on the Czech-German Mobility website.
    MU information on the mobility can also be found in sharepoint. If any of you are considering submitting a proposal to these calls, please inform J. Halámková ( as soon as possible.
  • The Ministry of Education and Science has announced a call for applications in the INTER-ACTION-LUAUS25 programme (Czech Republic - USA).
    The intention of LUAUS25 is to select joint research projects in the categories of basic research, industrial research and experimental development, with a focus on all scientific fields. The duration of the supported projects is set at 3-4 years. Proposals can be submitted until 10 July 2024, the deadline for FIs is 2 July 2024. The call documents are available on the MoEYS website. MU information on LUAUS25 can be found in sharepoint.
    If any of you are considering submitting a proposal to this call, please inform J. Halámková ( as soon as possible.
  • The MoE announces the launch of the 11th European Interest Group on Cooperation with Japan ( EIG CONCERT Japan ) joint call on Digital Transformations and Robotics in Sustainable Agriculture . The call focuses on research on how digital technologies and robotics can transform and improve agriculture and promote its sustainability. It is a multilateral project (JAP + CZ + min. 1 partner involved). The selection of the joint projects will be made during the meeting of the representatives of the countries participating in the 11th joint call, the expected number of awarded projects is 6. The deadline is 23 July 2024, the deadline for FI is 12 July 2024. Project proposals will be submitted in PT-Outline to the EIG CONCERT Japan Secretariat: The call documents are available on the MEST - International Cooperation website and also on the MU sharepoint.
    If any of you are considering submitting a proposal to this call, please inform J. Halamkova ( as soon as possible.

Ministry of the Interior (MoI)

  • According to the information on the MoI website, there will be no calls for IMPACT, SECTECH or OPSEC in 2024.

Ministry of Health (MoH)

  • The Ministry of Health (MoH) has announced a public tender for the VES 2025 Programme for the Support of Health Applied Research for the years 2024-2030. The MoH's earmarked support is intended for applied research projects, i.e. projects designed to obtain new knowledge directed towards a specific, predetermined practical objective with a given application of the results in the health sector. Applied research in healthcare is aimed at solving problems related to the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human diseases. A detailed statement of the objectives and expected benefits is given in the Programme.
    The anticipated start of the project is set for 1 May 2025, ending on 31 December 2028. The deadline for submission of project proposals is 26 June 2024. The deadline for completing and submitting applications to the MU Ethics Committee via ISEP is 6 pm on Monday 3 June 2024.
    Detailed information on the competition, including the tender documents, can be found on the MU website and also on the MU Portal.
    • RMU is organising an online seminar in English on the new "VES 2025" call for researchers on Wednesday 29 May 2024 at 10.30 a.m. Please register here.
    If any of you are considering submitting a proposal to this programme, please inform Ing. Komárková as soon as possible.

Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TA CR)

  • The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has announced the 1st public competition Environment for Life 2 , the deadline for submission of proposals to TAČR is 12 June 2024. The deadline for submission of final proposals to FI is 5 June 2024, consultation of results and legal issues at MU is possible until 29 May 2024. More detailed information including the recording of the webinar can be found on the TAČR website and MU Portal. If you are interested in this competition, please contact Ing. Komárková as soon as possible (it is necessary to consult the results and the contract).
  • The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic expects to announce the 8th VS of the SIGMA - DC4: Bilateral Cooperation programme on 16 May 2024. The deadline for submission of proposals to the TAČR is 17 July 2024. Detailed information on the programme can be found on the TAČR website. Detailed MU information can also be found on the MU Portal. If you are interested in this competition, please contact Ing. Komárková as soon as possible.
  • Detailed information on the individual programmes can be found on the TAČR website.
  • The Czech Technology Agency also has an open call for the BETA2 programme, which is a public procurement programme in applied research and innovation for the needs of the state administration. Detailed information on the programme can be found on the TAČR website.
  • The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic also has an open call for the BETA3 programme, which is a public procurement programme in applied research and innovation for the needs of the state administration. Detailed information on the programme can be found on the TAČR website.
  • The Technology Agency of the Czech Republic has newly established Rules of Mandatory Publicity, which all beneficiaries and researchers of TAČR projects must follow. More detailed information can be found on the TAČR website.

MU projects

MU Grant Agency (GAMU)

  • GAMU has an open call for Horizons Applications for support are submitted on a rolling basis through ISEP. Support is intended for costs associated with the preparation of extremely prestigious and important projects from international funders (e.g. European Commission programmes). There are two types of support - 1. Support for ERC grant submissions and 2. Support for other international grant submissions (non-ERC) For more information please visit the GAMU - Horizons page or contact Jana Halámková at FI.

Specific university research

Faculty of Informatics MU - Student Research and Development Projects (FI Dean's Programme)

  • The Dean of FI MU has announced a new call for Student Research and Development Projects. Proposals can be submitted until 12 June 2024, with the start date of 1 July 2024. Proposals should only be submitted electronically via ISEP - see the Student Research and Development Projects (FI Dean's Programme) page for more information.


Department of Research and Project Support
