
Project Topics

The list of project topics can be found on a separate page.

Project Work Schedule

If the project is awarded less that the required number of points, the group may rework the project and resubmit during the exam period. Details about the resubmission deadlines will be arranged with the teachers after the presentation.

Project Repository

Every group has to create a git repository at the Faculty of Informatics’ GitLab page with the name pv264_project. The repository has to be private, and only the members of the group and the teachers should have access. The owner of the repository is up to your agreement; you have to tell us who the owner is (via email) so that we know which repositories to look at.

Project Presentation

You are expected to give a 15-minute presentation about your project at one of the last seminars (exact schedule will be announced later). The presentation should provide the audience (the teachers and the students of the course) with a brief overview of your project and highlight interesting aspects of the project (challenges during the development, interesting techniques, or any other learning outcome). The goal of the presentations is to learn from the experiences of others.

We give you the following tips for giving a good presentation: