Local Information

Time zone and climate

Czech Republic is on Central European Time (MET DST aka CEST), which means it is two hour ahead of Greenwich mean time (GMT). The average temperature for August is between 20-26 °C. The weather is usually warm and sunny.


VISA and Mastercard are accepted by major shops and better restaurants, as well as by most petrol/gas stations.

Public transport

The public transport system in Brno is quite comprehensive and reliable. Tickets for all city buses, trams and trolley-buses are the same and can be purchased at some newspaper stands or from vending machines located at key stops (e.g., the "Klusackova" stop near the university hotel and the "Ceska" stop in the city centre). There are two basic types of tickets: 10-minutes tickets which cost 7 Kc, and 40-minutes tickets which cost 12 Kc. You have to stamp the ticket as soon as you enter the vehicle, using one of the small devices attached to the vertical poles near the doors.


Brno taxi services have better reputation than those in Prague. Overcharging does not happen so often and the taxi-gang wars are not an issue here. In any case, when using the taxi, ask about an approximate price in advance and make sure that the taxi-meter has been set to zero at the beginning of the ride.

An operator of City Taxi (phone number (++420-5) 42 321 321) is able to speak English.

Prices for travelling from bus or railway station to the both hotels or the Faculty of Informatics should be roughly 120-150 Kc.

About Brno

Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic, with a population of almost 400 000 and the country's judiciary and trade-fair center. The first written note of Brno comes from the ninth century. City rights were acquired in 1243. After successful defense of the city against the Swedes 350 years ago (in 1643-45 during the Thirty Years' War), Brno became the capital of Moravia. The nineteenth century was a period of technological progress and development for Brno. It became one of the most prominent industrial centers in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was in Brno where J. G. Mendel discovered his laws of heredity, V. Kaplan produced the first water turbine and Leos Janacek composed his musical works. Milan Kundera wrote his first novels here. Brno is the place of birth of Kurt Godel - one of the most important scientists of the 20th century in the world context. There are six Universities in Brno. Historical and artistic places of interest include
In the immediate surroundings of Brno there are many interesting places including
For more information about Brno we refer to the Brno official web.
