Speeding-up Quantified Bit-Vector Solving by Reducing Bit-Width
Experimental evaluation

Table of Contents

1 CSV files

All statistics are computed from the BenchExec CSV file results.csv.

1.1 Convert to a correct CSV

First, we need to replace tabs by commas:

sed -i 's/\t/,/g' results.csv

And then we remove the standard BenchExec header rows and replace them by more readable ones. These are contained in the CSV file results_header.csv.

cat results_header.csv > results_out.csv
tail -n +4 results.csv >> results_out.csv

1.2 Split into benchmark sets

We split benchmark name into family and name.

sed -i 's#/#,##' results_out.csv
#separator is #, so we do not have to escape all backslashes
sed -i 's/UltimateAutomizer/ua/g' results_out.csv

2 R environment

2.1 Load necessary libraries

options("scipen"=100, "digits"=2)

2.2 Load all CSV files

res <- read.csv("results_out.csv", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
configurations = c('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'boolectorRedZero', 'cvc4', 'cvc4Red', 'q3b', 'q3bRed')
labels = c(boolector = 'Boolector', boolectorRed = 'Boolector+Red', boolectorRedZero = 'Boolector+RedZero', cvc4 = 'CVC4', cvc4Red = 'CVC4+Red', q3b = 'Q3B', q3bRed = 'Q3B+Red')

We need to modify all times for results other than sat or unsat to have the maximal values of walltime and CPU-time.

timeout <- 900

res[['trivial']] <- TRUE

for (c in configurations)
  res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]] <- res[[paste(c, 'result', sep='.')]] == "sat" | res[[paste(c, 'result', sep='.')]] == "unsat"
  res[[paste(c, 'cputime', sep='.')]][!res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]]] <- timeout
  res[[paste(c, 'walltime', sep='.')]][!res[[paste(c, 'solved', sep='.')]]] <- timeout
  res[['trivial']] <- res[['trivial']] & res[[paste(c, 'cputime', sep='.')]] < 0.1

2.3 Check correctness of results

We need to check that no two solvers disagreed on the status of a benchmark (i.e. sat vs unsat). The result of the following command should be empty!

res %>%
    mutate(sat = ((boolector.result == "sat") | (boolectorRed.result == "sat") | (boolectorRedZero.result == "sat") | (cvc4.result == "sat") | (cvc4Red.result == "sat")  | (q3b.result == "sat") | (q3bRed.result == "sat")),
           unsat = ((boolector.result == "unsat") | (boolectorRed.result == "unsat") | (boolectorRedZero.result == "unsat") | (cvc4.result == "unsat") | (cvc4Red.result == "unsat") | (q3b.result == "unsat") | (q3bRed.result == "unsat"))) %>%
    filter(sat & unsat) %>%
    select(benchmark, boolector.result, boolectorRed.result, cvc4.result, cvc4Red.result)
benchmark boolector.result boolectorRed.result cvc4.result cvc4Red.result

2.4 Compute virtual bests

configurations = c('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'boolectorRedZero', 'cvc4', 'cvc4Red', 'boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'q3b', 'q3bRed', 'boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'boolectorCVC4Q3B', 'boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed')
labels = c(boolector = 'btor', boolectorRed = 'btor-r', boolectorRedZero = 'btor-rz', cvc4 = 'cv4', cvc4Red = 'cvc4-r', boolectorCVC4 = 'btor | cvc4', boolectorCVC4Red = 'btor | cvc4-r', q3b = 'q3b', q3bRed = 'q3b-r', boolectorQ3B = 'btor | q3b', boolectorQ3BRed = 'btor | q3b-r', boolectorCVC4Q3B = 'btor | cvc4 | q3b', boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed = 'btor-r | cvc4-r | q3b-r')
    res <- res %>% mutate(
      boolectorCVC4.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4.solved,
      boolectorCVC4.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, cvc4.result),
      boolectorCVC4.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4.memusage),
      boolectorCVC4Red.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4Red.solved,
      boolectorCVC4Red.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, cvc4Red.result),
      boolectorCVC4Red.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4Red.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4Red.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4Red.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4Red.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4Red.memusage),
      boolectorQ3B.solved = boolector.solved | q3b.solved,
      boolectorQ3B.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, q3b.result),
      boolectorQ3B.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, q3b.cputime),
      boolectorQ3B.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, q3b.walltime),
      boolectorQ3B.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, q3b.memusage),
      boolectorQ3BRed.solved = boolector.solved | q3bRed.solved,
      boolectorQ3BRed.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, q3bRed.result),
      boolectorQ3BRed.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, q3bRed.cputime),
      boolectorQ3BRed.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, q3bRed.walltime),
      boolectorQ3BRed.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, q3bRed.memusage),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.solved = boolector.solved | cvc4.solved | q3b.solved,
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.result = ifelse(boolector.solved, boolector.result, ifelse(cvc4.solved, cvc4.result, q3b.result)),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.cputime = pmin(boolector.cputime, cvc4.cputime, q3b.cputime),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.walltime = pmin(boolector.walltime, cvc4.walltime, q3b.walltime),
      boolectorCVC4Q3B.memusage = pmin(boolector.memusage, cvc4.memusage, q3b.memusage),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.solved = boolectorRed.solved | cvc4Red.solved | q3bRed.solved,
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.result = ifelse(boolectorRed.solved, boolectorRed.result, ifelse(cvc4Red.solved, cvc4Red.result, q3bRed.result)),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.cputime = pmin(boolectorRed.cputime, cvc4Red.cputime, q3bRed.cputime),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.walltime = pmin(boolectorRed.walltime, cvc4Red.walltime, q3bRed.walltime),
      boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.memusage = pmin(boolectorRed.memusage, cvc4Red.memusage, q3bRed.memusage)

3 Statistics

3.1 Numbers of solved formulas

3.1.1 Helper function to generate tables

getTable <- function()
  counts <- list()

  for (c in configurations)
    counts[[c]] <- count_(res, paste(c, 'result', sep='.'))
    colnames(counts[[c]]) <- c('result', c)

  return(Reduce(function(...) merge(..., all=TRUE), counts))

3.1.2 Table

result boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedZero cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed boolectorCVC4Q3B boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed
OUT OF MEMORY nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil 1 nil nil nil nil
sat 597 605 604 551 594 614 620 598 604 633 633 635 637
TIMEOUT (timeout) 288 264 270 237 156 121 112 166 154 84 84 73 69
unsat 4866 4882 4877 4963 5001 5016 5019 4987 4992 5034 5034 5043 5045

3.2 Solved formulas in benchmark families

table <- res %>%
  group_by(family) %>%
  summarise(total = n(),
            boolector = sum(boolector.solved),
            boolectorRed = sum(boolectorRed.solved),
            boolectorRedZero = sum(boolectorRedZero.solved),
            cvc4 = sum(cvc4.solved),
            cvc4Red = sum(cvc4Red.solved),
            boolectorCVC4 = sum(boolectorCVC4.solved),
            boolectorCVC4Red = sum(boolectorCVC4Red.solved),
            q3b = sum(q3b.solved),
            q3bRed = sum(q3bRed.solved),
            boolectorQ3B = sum(boolectorQ3B.solved),
            boolectorQ3BRed = sum(boolectorQ3BRed.solved),
            boolectorCVC4Q3B = sum(boolectorCVC4Q3B.solved),
            boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed = sum(boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed.solved)

table <- rbind(table, data.frame(family='Total',
  total = sum(table$total),
  boolector = sum(table$boolector),
  boolectorRed = sum(table$boolectorRed),
  boolectorRedZero = sum(table$boolectorRedZero),
  cvc4 = sum(table$cvc4),
  cvc4Red = sum(table$cvc4Red),
  boolectorCVC4 = sum(table$boolectorCVC4),
  boolectorCVC4Red = sum(table$boolectorCVC4Red),
  q3b = sum(table$q3b),
  q3bRed = sum(table$q3bRed),
  boolectorQ3B = sum(table$boolectorQ3B),
  boolectorQ3BRed = sum(table$boolectorQ3BRed),
  boolectorCVC4Q3B = sum(table$boolectorCVC4Q3B),
  boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed = sum(table$boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed))
family total boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedZero cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed boolectorCVC4Q3B boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed
2017-Preiner-keymaera 4035 4017 4023 4024 3996 4028 4023 4028 4009 4010 4025 4025 4029 4031
2017-Preiner-psyco 194 191 191 191 190 190 193 193 165 167 192 192 193 193
2017-Preiner-scholl-smt08 374 296 303 301 244 275 306 309 314 319 324 324 326 328
2017-Preiner-tptp 73 69 72 69 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73
2017-Preiner-ua 153 151 152 152 151 153 152 153 153 153 153 153 153 153
20170501-Heizmann-ua 131 30 31 30 125 127 130 130 124 125 128 128 131 131
2018-Preiner-cav18 600 548 554 553 563 577 577 577 565 567 590 590 590 590
wintersteiger 191 161 161 161 172 172 176 176 182 182 182 182 183 183
Total 5751 5463 5487 5481 5514 5595 5630 5639 5585 5596 5667 5667 5678 5682

Generate LaTeX tables for the paper.

boolectorTable = table %>% select(family, total, boolector, boolectorRed, boolectorRedZero)
colnames(boolectorTable) <- c("Family", "Total", "\\texttt{btor}", "\\texttt{btor-r}", "\\texttt{btor-rz}")
  type = "latex",
  label = "tbl:red:solvedBoolector",
  caption = "Comparison of benchmarks solved by \texttt{btor}, \texttt{btor-r}, and \texttt{btor-rz} within the given timeout."),
  file = "solvedBoolector.tex",
  sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x, include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(table)-1, nrow(table)))
otherTable = table %>% select(family, total, boolectorCVC4, boolectorCVC4Red, boolectorQ3B, boolectorQ3BRed)
colnames(otherTable) <- c("Family", "Total", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4}", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4-r}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b}", "\\texttt{btor|q3b-r}")
  type = "latex",
  label = "tbl:red:solvedOther",
  caption = "Comparison of benchmarks solved by \texttt{btor|cvc4}, \texttt{btor|cvc4-r}, \texttt{btor|q3b}, and \texttt{btor|q3b-r} within the given timeout."),
  file = "solvedOther.tex",
  sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x, include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, rotate.colnames=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(table)-1, nrow(table)))
otherTable = table %>% select(family, total, boolectorCVC4Q3B, boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed)
colnames(otherTable) <- c("Family", "Total", "\\texttt{btor|cvc4|q3b}", "\\texttt{btor-r|cvc4-r|q3b-r}")
  type = "latex",
  label = "tbl:red:solvedAll",
  caption = "Comparison of benchmarks solved by \texttt{btor|cvc4|q3b} and \texttt{btor-r|cvc4-r|q3b-r} within the given timeout."),
  file = "solvedAll.tex",
  sanitize.colnames.function = function(x) x, include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, rotate.colnames=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(table)-1, nrow(table)))

3.3 Cross comparison

3.3.1 Helper function to generate tables

First we need a function which for given configurations computes a number of benchmarks that the first configuration has solved, but the second one has not.

firstIsBetter <- function(c1, c2)
    c1Solved <- res[[paste(c1, 'solved', sep='.')]]
    c2Solved <- res[[paste(c2, 'solved', sep='.')]]

    onlyC1Solved <- c1Solved & !(c2Solved)

  formulasFirstIsBetter <- function(c1, c2)
    return(res$benchmark[firstIsBetter(c1, c2)])

  compareConfigurations <- function(c1, c2)
    return(sum(firstIsBetter(c1, c2)))

We can use this function to generate the cross table.

crossTable <- function()
  results <- c()
  for (c1 in configurations)
    for (c2 in configurations)
      results <- c(results, compareConfigurations(c1, c2))

  results.table <- matrix(results, ncol=13,byrow=TRUE)
  colnames(results.table) <- configurations
  rownames(results.table) <- configurations
  out <- as.table(results.table)

3.3.2 Table

  boolector boolectorRed boolectorRedZero cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed boolectorCVC4Q3B boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed
boolector 0 0 0 116 44 0 0 82 71 0 0 0 0
boolectorRed 24 0 9 128 48 12 4 88 77 6 6 4 0
boolectorRedZero 18 3 0 128 48 12 4 87 76 5 5 4 1
cvc4 167 155 161 0 0 0 0 76 70 11 11 0 0
cvc4Red 176 156 162 81 0 9 0 89 79 13 13 2 0
boolectorCVC4 167 155 161 116 44 0 0 93 82 11 11 0 0
boolectorCVC4Red 176 156 162 125 44 9 0 95 84 13 13 2 0
q3b 204 186 191 147 79 48 41 0 0 0 0 0 0
q3bRed 204 186 191 152 80 48 41 11 0 0 0 0 0
boolectorQ3B 204 186 191 164 85 48 41 82 71 0 0 0 0
boolectorQ3BRed 204 186 191 164 85 48 41 82 71 0 0 0 0
boolectorCVC4Q3B 215 195 201 164 85 48 41 93 82 11 11 0 0
boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed 219 195 202 168 87 52 43 97 86 15 15 4 0

3.4 Times

table <- res %>%
  group_by(family) %>%
  summarise(boolector = round(sum(boolector.walltime)),
            boolectorRed = round(sum(boolectorRed.walltime)),
            cvc4 = round(sum(cvc4.walltime)),
            cvc4Red = round(sum(cvc4Red.walltime)),
            boolectorCVC4 = round(sum(boolectorCVC4.walltime)),
            boolectorCVC4Red = round(sum(boolectorCVC4Red.walltime)),
            q3b = round(sum(q3b.walltime)),
            q3bRed = round(sum(q3bRed.walltime)),
            boolectorQ3B = round(sum(boolectorQ3B.walltime)),
            boolectorQ3BRed = round(sum(boolectorQ3BRed.walltime))

table <- rbind(table, data.frame(family='Total',
  boolector = sum(table$boolector),
  boolectorRed = sum(table$boolectorRed),
  cvc4 = sum(table$cvc4),
  cvc4Red = sum(table$cvc4Red),
  boolectorCVC4 = sum(table$boolectorCVC4),
  boolectorCVC4Red = sum(table$boolectorCVC4Red),
  q3b = sum(table$q3b),
  q3bRed = sum(table$q3bRed),
  boolectorQ3B = sum(table$boolectorQ3B),
  boolectorQ3BRed = sum(table$boolectorQ3BRed)))
family boolector boolectorRed cvc4 cvc4Red boolectorCVC4 boolectorCVC4Red q3b q3bRed boolectorQ3B boolectorQ3BRed
2017-Preiner-keymaera 21484 14076 36214 9749 12974 8216 24193 23514 9446 9547
2017-Preiner-psyco 3573 3652 4666 4683 1402 1408 26819 25495 2444 2431
2017-Preiner-scholl-smt08 74613 67834 119691 91839 65750 62517 56453 51729 47048 46635
2017-Preiner-tptp 3604 907 2 8 2 3 2 7 1 3
2017-Preiner-ua 1976 1344 1884 337 963 130 11 22 8 13
20170501-Heizmann-ua 91204 90292 6028 4228 1231 1239 6482 5576 2811 2807
2018-Preiner-cav18 49054 43152 34711 22073 21789 21507 32014 30158 9235 9256
wintersteiger 27479 27363 17241 17241 13786 13784 9390 9355 8607 8573
Total 272987 248620 220437 150158 117897 108804 155364 145856 79600 79265
print(xtable(tableWall, type = "latex",
caption = "The table shows for each benchmark family and both of the solvers the sum of wall times of benchmarks that were solved by both of the solvers."),
file = "times_wall.tex", include.rownames=FALSE, booktabs=TRUE, hline.after = c(-1, 0, nrow(tableWall)-1, nrow(tableWall)))

4 Plots

4.1 Scatter plots

4.1.1 Helper functions

We again define a function, which can generate a scatter plot for a given benchmark set and two configurations.

scatterPlotResult <- function(c1, c2, time = 'cputime')
return (ggplot(res,
      aes(res[[paste(c1, time, sep='.')]], res[[paste(c2, time, sep='.')]], shape=boolectorCVC4Red.result, colour=family), xlim=c(0.001,2*timeout), ylim=c(0.001,2*timeout)) +
      geom_point() +
      scale_shape_manual(values=c(4, 5, 6)) +
      geom_abline(intercept=0) +
      geom_abline(intercept=1, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=-1, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=2, color='gray') +
      geom_abline(intercept=-2, color='gray') +
      labs(title = "", x = labels[c1], y = labels[c2], color = "Family", shape = "Result") +
      scale_x_log10(limits = c(0.005, 2*timeout), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
      scale_y_log10(limits = c(0.005, 2*timeout), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))))

scatterPlotMem <- function(c1, c2)
return (ggplot(res,
      aes(res[[paste(c1, 'memusage', sep='.')]], res[[paste(c2, 'memusage', sep='.')]], colour=factor(boolectorCVC4Red.result, c("timeout", "sat", "unsat", "out of memory"))), xlim=c(0.001,8000000000), ylim=c(0.01,8000000000)) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_abline(intercept=0) +
      xlab(c1) +
      ylab(c2) +
      scale_x_log10(limits = c(1000000, 16000000000), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +
      scale_y_log10(limits = c(1000000, 16000000000), breaks = trans_breaks("log10", function(x) 10^x), labels = trans_format("log10", math_format(10^.x))) +

4.1.2 Wall Time

scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolector', 'boolectorRed', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorRed', 'boolectorRedZero', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4', 'cvc4Red', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4', 'boolectorCVC4Red', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorQ3B', 'boolectorQ3BRed', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4Q3B', 'boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed', 'walltime')


scatterPlotResult('boolectorCVC4Q3B', 'boolectorRedCVC4RedQ3BRed', 'walltime')


5 Bit-widths

For the formulas that were solved faster by the reducing solver, we check which reduced bit-width was necessary to solve them.

Unzip the results from BenchExec.

cd bitwidths
unzip benchmark-formulaReducer-all.2019-04-06_1523.logfiles.zip

Remove all results that were decided by the precise solver.

grep -rl "Child Process 0" bitwidths | xargs rm

Get the bit-widths of remaining benchmarks.

for f in bitwidths/benchmark-formulaReducer-all.2019-04-06_1523.logfiles/* ; do grep "Reducing to" $f | tail -1 | cut -d' ' -f3; done > bitwidths/bitwidths.log
wc -l bitwidths/bitwidths.log
558 bitwidths/bitwidths.log

Finally, load the results into R and divide them by the bit-width.

df <- read.table("bitwidths/bitwidths.log", header = FALSE)
names(df) <- 'bitwidth'
t(count(df, bitwidth))
bitwidth 1 2 4 8 16 32 64
n 122 286 97 24 4 24 1

Author: Martin Jonáš

Created: 2019-06-11 Tue 16:11