Index Dark Theme

About the Website

This website was created by me as a fun project to present my work to the wider public. It also serves me as a way to experiment with web design. In the past, I've already created a couple of predecessors to this site, none of which satisfied me, so I hope that this rather quite brutalist design will outlive the previous attempts. The design was inspired by Motherfucking Website and Better Motherfucking Website.


There is none to speak of. I write the webpages in plain, simple html.


This website is primarily hosted on my Raspberry Pi, under the domain name It is also mirrored on my faculty's hosting service

If you are a FI student and are wondering how to easily create static html website just like this one, go and have a look at this page.


The index page serves as a home page to this website. From there, you can find links to all of the content. Links to the index page are on all pages (except the index page) at both top and bottom of the page.

Dark Theme

As of 2019-08-27, the website features dark theme. You can toggle it on and off via a link on top of every page. The mode is persistent across pages, reloads, and even after you close and reopen your browser.