// This is an implementation of binary search trees. // (c) 1998, 2001 duane a. bailey package structure; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.Random; /** * Red black trees, are binary trees that guarantee the following three properties.
* 1. Every child of every leaf is considered black
* 2. Every red node has two black children
* 3. Every path from a node to a descendant leaf contains the same * number of black nodes.

* These properties ensure that elements can be inserted, deleted, and * located in logorithmic time. *

* Example usage: *

* To create a red-black tree containing the months of the year * and to print out this tree as it grows we could use the following *


 * public static void main(String[] argv){
 *     RedBlackSearchTree test = new {@link #RedBlackSearchTree()};
 *     //declare an array of months
 *     String[] months = new String[]{"March", "May", "November", "August", 
 *      			      "April", "January", "December", "July",
 *				      "February", "June", "October", "September"};
 *     //add the months to the tree and print out the tree as it grows
 *     for(int i=0; i < months.length; i++){
 *        test.{@link #add(Object) add(months[i])};
 *        System.out.println("Adding: " + months[i] + "\n" +test.{@link #treeString()});
 *      }
 *  }
* * @version $Id: BinarySearchTree.java,v 4.0 2000/12/27 20:57:33 bailey Exp bailey $ * @author, 2001 duane a. bailey & evan s. sandhaus * @see AVLTree * @see SplayTree * @see BinaryTree */ public class RedBlackSearchTree extends AbstractStructure implements OrderedStructure{ /** * A reference to the root of the tree */ protected RedBlackTree root; /** * The number of nodes in the tree */ protected int count; /** * Constructs a red-black search tree with no data * @post Constructs an empty red-black tree */ public RedBlackSearchTree(){ root = RedBlackTree.EMPTY; count = 0; } /** * Checks for an empty binary search tree * * @post Returns true iff the binary search tree is empty * @return True iff the tree contains no data */ public boolean isEmpty(){ return root.isEmpty(); } /** * Removes all data from the binary search tree * * @post Removes all elements from binary search tree */ public void clear(){ root = RedBlackTree.EMPTY; count = 0; } /** * Determines the number of data values within the tree * * @post Returns the number of elements in binary search tree * * @return The number of nodes in the binary search tree */ public int size(){ return count; } /** * Add a (possibly duplicate) value to the red-black tree, and ensure * that the resulting tree is a red-black tree. * * @post Adds a value to binary search tree * @param val A reference to non-null object */ public void add(Object value){ Assert.pre(value instanceof Comparable,"value must implement Comparable"); root = root.add((Comparable)value); count++; } /** * Remove an value "equals to" the indicated value. Only one value * is removed, and no guarantee is made concerning which of duplicate * values are removed. Value returned is no longer part of the * structure * * @post Removes one instance of val, if found * * @param val Value sought to be removed from tree * @return Value to be removed from tree or null if no value removed */ public Object remove(Object value){ Assert.pre(value instanceof Comparable,"value must implement Comparable"); if (root.contains((Comparable)value)){ root = root.remove((Comparable)value); count--; return value; } return null; } /** * Determines if the red-black search tree contains a value * * @post Returns true iff val is a value found within the tree * * @param val The value sought. Should be non-null * @return True iff the tree contains a value "equals to" sought value */ public boolean contains(Object value){ Assert.pre(value instanceof Comparable,"value must implement Comparable"); return root.contains((Comparable)value); } /** * Returns true iff this tree is a red-black tree. * WARNING: This method executes in linear time * and should not be frequently called during the process of insertion and * deletion if the user wants * @return True iff this tree is a red-black tree. */ public boolean isRedBlack(){ return root.consistency(); } /** * Returns an iterator over the red-black search tree. Iterator should * not be used if tree is modified, as behavior may be unpredicatable * Traverses elements using in-order traversal order * * @post Returns iterator to traverse red-blackST * @return An iterator over red-black search tree */ public Iterator iterator(){ return root.iterator(); } /** * Returns a (possibly long) string representing tree. Differs * from {@link #toString()} in that {@link #toString()} outputs * a single line representation of the contents of the tree. * treeString, however, prints out a graphical * representations of the tree's structure. * * @post Generates a string representation of the AVLST * @return String representation of tree */ public String treeString(){ return root.treeString(); } /** * Returns a string representing tree * * @post Generates a string representation of the AVLST * @return String representation of tree */ public String toString(){ return root.toString(); } /** * Returns the hashCode of the value stored by this object. * * @return The hashCode of the value stored by this object. */ public int hashCode(){ return root.hashCode(); } /* public static void main(String[] argv){ for(int i=0; i< 5000; i++){ test1(i); } } public static void test1(int size){ RedBlackSearchTree test = new RedBlackSearchTree(); Long r = new Long(1); Object[] store = new Object[size]; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){ r = new Long(Math.round(Math.random() * 5 * size)); test.add(r); } int j=0; for(Iterator i = test.iterator(); i.hasNext();){ store[j++] = i.next(); } shuffle(store); for (int i = 0; i < store.length; i++){ Object next = store[i]; test.remove(next); } System.out.println("Did we work: " + test.isRedBlack() + "\t Size: " + size +"\t"+test.size()); } public static void shuffle(Object[] a){ Random rand = new Random(); int i1 = 0; int i2 = 0; Object temp; for (int i=0; i < (a.length/2); i++){ i1 = rand.nextInt(a.length); i2 = rand.nextInt(a.length); temp = a[i1]; a[i1] = a[i2]; a[i2] = temp; } }*/ }