Opal Mailing list

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There is a mailing list for Opal at listserv of Masaryk university. To subscribe, send a mail with the following contents (not the Subject) to listservers's address, listserv@muni.cz:

subscribe opal Firstname Lastname

Mails to this list should be sent to list's address opal@muni.cz. List accepts submissions even if you are not subscribed to it. Just state in your message this fact so that replies are Cc:'d to you.

You can send any question and comment concerning Opal to this list, and you can use the Czech or English language. Please use this list instead of mailing to the author[s] directly in order to allow the questions to be archived and available for the future users later.

There is no WWW archive of this list yet, I am planning to create this later. You can get the archive via e-mail, though. Just send a message with body "help" to listserver's address, listserv@muni.cz.
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