eps = 0.01; infty = 200; wall = 1.5; tube_d = 8.0 + 0.5; slot_w = 3; slot_angle = 180; wing_xoff = tube_d/2 + 7; // bottom of the slot wing_slot_h = 2.5; wing_slot_w = 4; wing_wall = 3.0; clip_w = 2*wing_wall + wing_slot_w; difference() { hull() { // fuse cylinder cylinder(r = tube_d/2 + wall, h = clip_w); // wing clip translate([wing_xoff, -tube_d/2 -wall, 0]) cube([wing_slot_h + wing_wall, tube_d + 2*wall, clip_w]); } // fuse tube translate([0, 0, -eps]) cylinder(r = tube_d/2, h = clip_w + 2*eps); // fuse tube slot rotate([0, 0, slot_angle]) translate([0, -slot_w/2, -eps]) cube([tube_d, slot_w, clip_w + 2*eps]); // wing slot translate([wing_xoff, -tube_d/2-wall-eps, wing_wall]) cube([wing_slot_h, tube_d + 2*wall + 2*eps, wing_slot_w]); }