eps = 0.01; infty = 100; wall = 1; lens_d = 41.5; lens_side_l = 25; rail_in = 13.5; rail_ex = 18.2; rail_thick = 3.4; rail_depth = rail_thick + wall; body_l = 55; rail_in_l = 15; beam_l = 7; beam_w = 0.8; $fn = 120; difference() { union() { difference() { union() { // outer cylinder cylinder(r = lens_d/2 + 2*wall, h = body_l); // rail base translate([-rail_ex/2-wall, -lens_d/2-rail_depth-2*wall, 0]) cube([rail_ex+2*wall, lens_d/2+rail_depth+2*wall, body_l]); } // inner cylinder translate([0, 0, -eps]) cylinder(r = lens_d/2 + wall, h = body_l+2*eps); // cut the top third of the cylinder translate([-infty/2, lens_d/2*sin(30) + wall, -eps]) cube(infty); difference() { // rail_ex -wide hole translate([-rail_ex/2, -lens_d/2-2*wall-rail_thick, -eps]) cube([rail_ex, rail_thick, body_l+2*eps]); // beam translate([-rail_ex/2-eps, -lens_d/2-2*wall-beam_w, rail_in_l-beam_l]) cube([rail_ex+2*eps, beam_w+eps, beam_l]); } // rail_ex -wide top translate([-rail_ex/2, -lens_d/2-2*wall-rail_depth-eps, rail_in_l]) cube([rail_ex, rail_depth, body_l+2*eps]); // rail-in wide hole translate([-rail_in/2, -lens_d/2-2*wall-rail_depth-eps, -eps]) cube([rail_in, rail_depth+eps, body_l+2*eps]); } // inside supports for (angle = [-27, 27, 120, 240]) rotate([0, 0, angle]) translate([0, -lens_d/2-wall, -2*eps]) cylinder(r = wall, h = body_l + 4*eps); } // slanted cylinder cut translate([-infty/2, cos(60)*lens_d/2, body_l+lens_side_l]) rotate([0, 90, 0]) scale([2, 1.2, 1]) cylinder(r = body_l/2, h = infty); }