#include #include #include #include #include "lights.h" #define WAKEUP_LIMIT 5 // times 100 ms static uint16_t button_start[N_BUTTONS]; static unsigned char prev_pin; static unsigned char user_params[MAX_USER_PARAMS] = { 0, 0, 0 }; static unsigned char user_params_max[MAX_USER_PARAMS] = { 3, 2, 2 }; static unsigned char user_params_state = 0; /* * Here 0 means "no setup currently in progress", * 1 .. MAX_USER_PARAMS means "now short presses increase or decrease * the value of user_params[user_params_state-1]" */ static uint16_t user_params_starttime; static void inline set_status_led(unsigned char n, pattern_t *pattern) { led_set_pattern(n + N_PWMLEDS, pattern); } pattern_t *status_pattern_select(unsigned char n) { if (user_params_state) // Setup in progress return number_pattern(n == 0 ? user_params_state : 1 + user_params[user_params_state-1] ); else if (!(prev_pin & _BV(PA3)) || !(prev_pin & _BV(PA4))) // at least one button is pressed return off_pattern; // otherwise, an ordinary state if (n == 0) { // error led return number_pattern(1 + ambient_zone); } else { return jiffies > 500 ? number_pattern(2) : zero_pattern; // for now } } static void toggle_bright_mode() { // TODO } static void set_panic_mode() { // TODO } unsigned char get_user_param(unsigned char param) { if (param < MAX_USER_PARAMS) return user_params[param]; return 0; // FIXME: internal error? } static inline void short_press(unsigned char button) { unsigned char param; if (user_params_state == 0) { if (button == 0) toggle_bright_mode(); else set_panic_mode(); return; } param = user_params_state-1; if (button == 0) { if (user_params[param]) user_params[param]--; else user_params[param] = user_params_max[param]-1; } else { user_params[param]++; if (user_params[param] >= user_params_max[param]) user_params[param] = 0; } // FIXME: notify somebody about user_params change? set_status_led(1, status_pattern_select(1)); user_params_starttime = jiffies; } static inline void long_press(unsigned char button) { if (button == 0) { power_down(); return; } // button 1 - cycle through states user_params_state++; if (user_params_state > MAX_USER_PARAMS) user_params_state = 1; set_status_led(0, status_pattern_select(0)); set_status_led(1, status_pattern_select(1)); user_params_starttime = jiffies; } void init_buttons() { DDRA &= ~(_BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4)); // set as input PORTA |= _BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4); // enable internal pull-ups GIMSK &= ~(_BV(PCIE0) | _BV(PCIE1)); // disable pin-change IRQs PCMSK0 = 0; // disable pin-change IRQs on all pins of port A PCMSK1 = 0; // disable pin-change IRQs on all pins of port B button_start[0] = 0; button_start[1] = 0; prev_pin = _BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4); user_params_state = 0; } void susp_buttons() { DDRA &= ~(_BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4)); // set as input PORTA |= _BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4); // enable internal pull-ups GIMSK &= ~_BV(PCIE1); // disable pin-change IRQ on port B GIMSK |= _BV(PCIE0); PCMSK0 = _BV(PCINT3) | _BV(PCINT4); // disable pin-change IRQs on all pins except PA3,PA4 PCMSK1 = 0; // disable pin-change IRQs on all pins of port B } static void handle_button(unsigned char button, unsigned char cur, unsigned char prev) { // BEWARE: pins are at _zero_ when pressed! if (!cur && prev) { // --- just pressed --- button_start[button] = jiffies; set_status_led(button, off_pattern); } else if (!cur && !prev) { // --- is still pressed --- uint16_t duration = jiffies - button_start[button]; if (duration > 80) { set_status_led(button, on_pattern); // acknowledge long press } } else if (cur && !prev) { // --- just released --- uint16_t duration = jiffies - button_start[button]; if (duration > 6 && duration < 30) { short_press(button); } else if (duration > 80) { set_status_led(button, off_pattern); long_press(button); } // ignore other button-press durations } } void timer_check_buttons() { unsigned char pin = PINA & (_BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4)); handle_button(0, pin & _BV(PA3), prev_pin & _BV(PA3)); handle_button(1, pin & _BV(PA4), prev_pin & _BV(PA4)); prev_pin = pin; if (user_params_state && jiffies - user_params_starttime > 1000) { user_params_state = 0; set_status_led(0, status_pattern_select(0)); set_status_led(1, status_pattern_select(1)); } } unsigned char buttons_wait_for_release() { uint16_t wake_count = 0; unsigned char pin; do { if (wake_count++ > WAKEUP_LIMIT) gpio_set(0, 1); // inform the user _delay_ms(100); pin = PINA & (_BV(PA3) | _BV(PA4)); } while (!(pin & _BV(PA3)) || !(pin & _BV(PA4))); gpio_set(0, 0); return wake_count > WAKEUP_LIMIT; } ISR(PCINT_vect) { // empty - let it wake us from sleep, but do nothing else }