4 // TODO: subtract 2*spring_w - something from these:
5 v_thick = 4 + 0.3; // thickness of the vertical glass
6 h_thick = 2 + 0.3; // thickness of the horizontal glass
18 translate([-eps, -infty/2, -infty/2])
21 translate([-spring_r + spring_w, 0, 0])
22 cylinder(r = spring_r, h = body, $fn = 24);
28 cube([2*o_wall+i_wall+v_thick+h_thick, body, body]);
30 translate([o_wall, body-o_wall-infty, -infty/2])
31 cube([v_thick, infty, infty]);
33 translate([o_wall+v_thick+i_wall, -infty/2, body-o_wall-infty])
34 cube([h_thick, infty, infty]);
36 translate([o_wall, spring_off, 0])
37 rotate([0,0,0]) spring();
38 translate([o_wall+v_thick, spring_off, 0])
39 rotate([0,0,180]) spring();
40 translate([o_wall+v_thick+i_wall, 0, spring_off])
41 rotate([-90,0,0]) spring();
42 translate([o_wall+v_thick+i_wall+h_thick, 0, spring_off])
43 rotate([-90,180,0]) spring();
46 translate([0, 0, body]) scale([-1,1,1]) rotate([180, 0, 0])