GoDiS (Gothenburg Dialogue System) is an experimental dialogue system utilizing dialogue management based on Ginzburg's concept of Questions Under Discussion (QUD). GoDiS is implemented using the TrindiKit, a toolkit for implementing dialogue move engines and dialogue systems based on the Information State approach. While originally built for fairly simple information exchange dialogue, it is being extended to handle action-oriented and negotiative dialogue. One of the goals of the information state approach is to encourage modularity, reusability and plug-and-play; to demonstrate this, GoDiS has been adapted to several different dialogue types, domains, and languages. It has also been enhanced with speech input and output, and is able to switch languages in an ongoing dialogue. The current range of applications includes the following: --information exchange dialogue in travel agency: English (with speech input/output), Swedish (with speech input/output), German (with text input/output; speech output under development), Spanish (with text input/output; speech output under development) -- action-oriented dialogue for a mobile phone interface: English (with speech input/output), Swedish (with speech input/output) -- action-oriented dialogue for a VCR interface: English (with speech input/output), Swedish (with speech input/output) Related link: http://www.ling.gu.se/~stinae/TSD2002.html