Během akademického roku jednou týdně přednáší zvaný přednášející (z ciziny i od nás) o své vědecké práci. Kolokvium, které probíhá na Fakultě informatiky, je otevřeno pro vědeckou veřejnost. Termíny přednášek můžete najít v programu. Úterý 14.00 - 15.00, D2, FI MU, Botanická 68a

Program kolokvií s abstrakty pro semestr Jaro 2017

28. 2. 2017
prof. RNDr. Jan Slovák, DrSc., PřF MU
Hodnocení akademiků v univerzitním prostředí
Abstrakt: Přednáška vyloží východiska hodnocení, které proběhlo na Ústavu matematiky a statistiky Přírodovědecké fakulty MU v roce 2016, jeho průběh a jeho organizační a rozpočtové souvislosti.
7. 3. 2017
prof. PhDr. David Šmahel, Ph.D., FSS MU, FI MU
ICT Security Research. Usage of social security methodology in Informatics
Abstrakt: We will present results of our interdisciplinary research focused on ICT security which was carried out in cooperation with companies ESET and SODAT SW. We will demonstrate strengths and also problems of such research between informatics, social sciences and commercial subjects. We will emphasize the role of social science methodology in the research in informatics.
21. 3. 2017
Ing. Tomáš Mikolov, Ph.D., Facebook AI Research
Neural Networks for Natural Language Processing
Abstrakt: Artificial neural networks are currently very successful in various machine learning tasks that involve natural language. In this talk, I will describe how recurrent neural network language models have been developed, as well as their most frequent applications to speech recognition and machine translation. I will also talk about distributed word representations, their interesting properties, and efficient ways how to compute them. Finally, I will describe our latest efforts to create a novel dataset that could be used to develop machines that can truly communicate with human users in natural language.
28. 3. 2017
Mgr. Aleš Chalupa, Ph.D., FF MU
GEHIR - spolupráce FF, PřF a FI
Abstrakt: V tomto projektu pracujeme na systematické aplikaci vybraných metod formalizovaného modelování a výpočetních simulací při studiu dynamiky šíření náboženských představ a forem chování. Cílem projektu rozšíření akademického studia náboženství o specifický metodologický rámec. Ten by na jedné straně umožnil nové způsoby studia a vysvětlování konkrétních historických změn, na straně druhé přispěl k řešení obecnějších otázek spjatých s faktory ovlivňujícími dynamiku kulturních systémů. Základem projektu je řešení čtyř případových studií zaměřených na náboženské tradice antického Středomoří (ísidovské kulty, mithraismus a rané křesťanství). Formalizované modelování je v rámci studia historických procesů koncipováno jako inovativní cesta překračující tradiční induktivní analýzu pramenů i deduktivní aplikaci sociálněvědných a kognitivněvědných teorií. Výpočetní modely je možné nahlížet jako formu teoretického experimentu, který umožňuje při vysvětlování náboženství překročit limity dané torzovitostí pramenů i nemožností vystavit sociokulturní a historickou komplexitu tradiční laboratorní redukci.
4. 4. 2017
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. DDr. Gerald Quirchmayr, Faculty of Computer Science, Multimedia Information Systems Research Group, University of Vienna
CERT Communication in the light of GDPR and the NIS Directive
Abstrakt: Computer Emergency Response Teams are an essential component of the European cyber security landscape. With the introduction and passing into effect of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive a new legislative base has been established for protecting privacy and for defending critical information infrastructure components inside the European Union.

Starting from research carried out in the Austrian KIRAS (www.kiras.at) security research projects CERT Komm I and II, the talk outlines the critical role of CERTs and their communication. The talk then discusses selected effects that may result from the introduction, respectively translation into national legislation, of GDPR and NIS.

11. 4. 2017
Ing. Jiří Jaroš, Ph.D., FIT VUT
Využití superpočítačů při ultrazvukové léčbě rakoviny
Abstrakt: Realistické simulace šíření ultrazvukových vln v živých tkáních nabízí široký rozsah využití. Velmi slibnou oblastí je fokusovaný ultrazvuk o vysoké intenzitě používaný v neinvazivní chirurgii k léčbě nádorových onemocnění či zastavování vnitřního krvácení. Tato metoda pracuje na principu vysílání svazku soustředěných paprsků ultrazvukových vln do tkáně. Akustická energie dosahuje v místě ohniska takové úrovně, že způsobuje buněčnou nekrózu, zatímco tkáň mimo ohnisko ponechává bez poškození.

Pro úspěšnou a šetrnou léčbu je nutné precizně umístit ohnisko ultrazvukových vln. Přesného zacílení je však velmi obtížné dosáhnout vzhledem ke zkreslení ultrazvukové vlny způsobené průchodem tkáněmi o různých vlastnostech (vrstvy tuku, měkké tkáně, chrupavky a kosti). Zde přichází ke slovu počítačové simulace, které poskytnou přesné operační plány pro konkrétního pacienta. Realistické simulace však vyžadují obrovské datovém množiny a výpočetní výkon, který jsou schopny poskytnout pouze superpočítačové systémy.

Naše výzkumná skupina pracuje na vývoji akustického toolboxu k-Wave, který se stal de-facto standardem v oblasti ultrazvukových simulací s více než 8.000 registrovanými uživateli. V rámci přednášky se zaměřím na distribuovanou implementaci tohoto toolboxu, představím pokročilé metody dekompozice, které umožňují efektivní výpočet na nejlepších superpočítačích, např. Piz Daint, Salomon, SuperMUC či Archer.

18. 4. 2017
Ing. Martin Saska, Dr. rer. nat., Multi-robot Systems, FEL ČVUT
Cooperating micro aerial vehicles: from theory and applications to successful participation in MBZIRC competition
Abstrakt: Deployment of teams of Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) in real world environments independently to precise motion capture systems (such as Vicon) is a subsequent step in current hectic research in the field of autonomous flying systems. The aim of this talk is to present latest results in our endeavor towards fully autonomous compact flocks of MAVs, which were achieved by Multi-robot Systems group http://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/ at the Czech Technical University in Prague together with Vijay Kumar Lab http://www.kumarrobotics.org/ at the University of Pennsylvania. Stabilization, control and motion planning techniques for steering swarms and formations of autonomous MAVs will be discussed with a focus on bio-inspired techniques that integrate swarming abilities of individual particles with a Model Predictive Control (MPC) methodology. Besides the basic principles of formation flying and swarm stabilization, examples of real-world applications of the introduced methods will be shown, including indoor documentation of large historical objects (churches) by formations of cooperating MAVs http://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/projects/cesnet. Finally, a description of the system used in Mohamed Bin Zayed International Robotics Challenge (MBZIRC 2017), where our team won gold medals in the third challenge, silver medals in the first challenge and bronze medals in the GRAND-challenge, will be described together with our experience from the competition. MBZIRC http://mbzirc.com/ is an international robotics competition organized every two years in Abu Dhabi by Sheikh Hamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan with total prize-money and team sponsorship of USD 5 Million, which attracts the best robotic universities in the world (143 teams applied for participation in the contest). Our team participated in the Challenge 1, an autonomous landing of an MAV on a moving vehicle, and the Challenge 3, in which three cooperating MAVs search, locate, track, pick and place a set of static and moving objects http://mrs.felk.cvut.cz/projects/mbzirc.
25. 4. 2017
Doc. RNDr. Vladimír Černý, CSc., Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky UK Bratislava
Ako k nám priletela vesmírom (iná) Pytagorova veta
Abstrakt: Prírodovedecký highlight roka 2016 je asi detekcia gravitačných vĺn v experimente LIGO, na tom sa dosť zhoduje prinajmenej fyzikálna komunita. Nie je celkom triviálne na kolokviálnej úrovni rozumne verne popísať podstatu celej veci. Po Einsteinovi už totiž nevnímame gravitáciu ako silové pôsobenie. Vzniká potom prirodzene zvedavá otázka „Čo vlastne pohlo zrkadlami v experimente LIGO?“ ak nie nejaká sila. Pokúsim sa odpovedať.
2. 5. 2017
Dr. Jakub Mareček, IBM Ireland Research Laboratory
Why should the authorities lie to you
Abstrakt: Many real-world problems in Transportation Engineering are, in effect, control problems with rather limited identifiability of the underlying non-linear problems. Consider, for instance, the problems of information provision: an authority measures the travel times across the network, announces the travel times to the public, who base their route choices on the announced travel times, and are measured, eventually. The relationship between the number of concurrent users of a road-segment and the time they spend traveling across the segment is non-linear; the route choice is not deterministic and one cannot "perfectly excite the system", as in lie to the public, without the public noticing and changing their behaviour. At the same time, it is clear that many approaches currently in use are failing: consider two parallel routes and the authority announcing two distinct travel times (historical, current, or forecast by any method whatsover). Most drivers pick the route announced as faster, thereby congesting it (and invalidating any forecast). Similar issues arise in traffic control systems, which control traffic lights at junctions. In a series of papers, we have developed an approach to closed-loop analyses of such systems and we will present some of the key insights.

Stručný životopis: Jakub Marecek is a research staff member at IBM Research. Together with some fabulous colleagues, Jakub develops solvers for optimisation and control problems in IBM's Smarter Cities Technology Centre. His recent work includes polynomial optimisation in power systems, policies for bi-level optimisation, and a stream processing system for urban traffic management (called "Insight"), which has just won the 5th Annual Award for Excellence by ITS Ireland. Jakub is also the principal investigator for VaVeL, an H2020 project within the "Big Data" call, and a programme committee member for AISTATS 2017 and ICAPS 2017. Prior to joining IBM in August 2012, Jakub had worked on distributed solvers for non-smooth convex optimisation problems at the University of Edinburgh and on integer programming at the University of Nottingham. Jakub grew up in Brno, the Czech Republic, where he had worked in two start-up companies before studying for his first two degrees at Masaryk University.

Ing. RNDr. Barbora Bühnová, Ph.D., FI MU
Quality-Driven Software Architecture Design
Abstrakt: Software architecture design is one of the key activities in any software engineering process. The decisions made during software architecture design have significant implications for economic and quality goals related to the developed software product. To better guide the software architect along the design process and prevent an evaluation of an enormous number of design alternatives, various architectural tactics have been introduced. Generally, these tactics are designed to improve a specific quality attribute, but often declare an additional cost in terms of degrading the architecture with respect to other quality attributes. It is the task of the software architect to evaluate various solutions and determine a good trade-off between all existing quality and cost goals. In this lecture, we discuss the concepts that make up the field of quality-driven software architecture design. We will focus on the basics, best practices, as well as the challenges that are currently studied by the research community.
9. 5. 2017
doc. Fotios Liarokapis, Ph.D., FI MU
An overview of the H2020 i-MARECULTURE project and some initial results
Abstrakt: The project iMARECULTURE (Advanced VR, iMmersive Serious Games and Augmented REality as Tools to Raise Awareness and Access to European Underwater CULTURal heritage) is focusing in raising European identity awareness using maritime and underwater cultural interaction and exchange in Mediterranean Sea. Commercial ship routes joining Europe with other cultures are vivid examples of cultural interaction, while shipwrecks and submerged sites, unreachable to wide public are excellent samples that can benefit from immersive technologies, augmented and virtual reality. The projects aim to bring inherently unreachable underwater cultural heritage within digital reach of the wide public using virtual visits and immersive technologies. Apart from reusing existing 3D data of underwater shipwrecks and sites, with respect to ethics, rights and licensing, to provide a personalized dry visit to a museum visitor or augmented reality to the diver, it also emphasizes on developing pre- and after- encounter of the digital or physical museum visitor.

This presentation will present the architecture and the first results of the Horizon 2020 i-MARECULTURE project that aims to develop and integrate digital technologies for supporting the wide public in acquiring knowledge about UCH. A Virtual Reality (VR) system will be developed to allow users to visit the underwater sites through the use of Head Mounted Displays (HMDs) or digital holographic screens. Two serious games will be implemented for supporting the understanding of the ancient Mediterranean seafaring and the underwater archaeological excavations. An Augmented Reality (AR) system based on an underwater tablet will be developed to serve as virtual guide for divers that visit the underwater archaeological sites.

Stručný životopis: Dr. Fotis Liarokapis is an Associate Professor at the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) Laboratory, Masaryk University. His research interests include: virtual and augmented reality; procedural modeling, human-machine interaction and serious games. He has contributed to more than 100 refereed publications and has more than 2000 citations (h-index: 22 and i10-index: 38). He has been invited more than 80 times to become member of international conference committees and has chaired 16 sessions in 11 international conferences. Fotis has secured more than €1,000,000 from a number of national and international research projects. He is a member of IEEE, IET, ACM and Eurographics. Moreover, he is the co-founder of VS-Games conference and has organised numerous conferences and journal special issues. For more information visit: https://www.fi.muni.cz/~liarokap/.

16. 5. 2017
Dr. Eun Jung Kim, Centre national de la recherche scientifique, Paris
The "art of trellis decoding" is fixed-parameter tractable
Abstrakt: Given n subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over a fixed finite field F, we wish to find a linear layout V1, V2, . . . , Vn of the subspaces such that dim((V1 + V2 +···+Vi)∩(Vi+1 +···+Vn)) ≤ k for all i; such a linear layout is said to have width at most k. When restricted to 1- dimensional subspaces, this problem is equivalent to computing the trellis- width (or minimum trellis state-complexity) of a linear code in coding theory and computing the path-width of an F-represented matroid in matroid theory. We present a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm to construct a linear layout of width at most k, if it exists, for input subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space over F. As corollaries, we obtain a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm to produce a path- decomposition of width at most k for an input F- represented matroid of path-width at most k, and a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm to find a linear rank-decomposition of width at most k for an input graph of linear rank-width at most k. In both corollaries, no such algorithms were known previously. Our approach is based on dynamic programming combined with the idea developed by Bodlaender and Kloks (1996) for their work on path-width and tree-width of graphs.

It was previously known that a fixed-parameter tractable algorithm exists for the decision version of the problem for matroid path-width; a theorem by Geelen, Gerards, and Whittle (2002) implies that for each fixed finite field F, there are finitely many forbidden F-representable minors for the class of matroids of path-width at most k. An algorithm by Hlineny (2006) can detect a minor in an input F-represented matroid of bounded branch-width. However, this indirect approach would not produce an actual path-decomposition. Our algorithm is the first one to construct such a path-decomposition and does not depend on the finiteness of forbidden minors.