8th - 9th September 2001, Strasbourg

Co-located with ILP 2001

[Proceedings] [Preliminary program] [Accepted papers] [Presentation]
[Program committee][Registration][Organization][Invited Speaker][Support][Contact]


Popelinsky L., Nepil M. (eds.): Proceedings of the Third Learning Language in Logic (LLL) Workshop, Strasbourg, France, 8-9 September 2001. Technical report FIMU-RS-2001-08, FI MU Brno, Czech Republic, 2001, 66 pages.
Available as PostScript, PDF.

List of accepted papers

  • Alexin Z., Leipold P., Csirik J., Bibok K., Gyimothy T.: A Rule-Based Tagger Development Framework

  • Besombes J., Marion J.-Y.: Identification of reversible dependency tree languages

  • Dudau-Sofronie D., Tellier I., Tommasi M.: From Logic to Grammars via Types

  • Nakabasami C.: Interactive Background Knowledge Acquisition for Inducing Differences among Documents

  • Nepil M., Popelinsky L., Zackova E.: Part-of-Speech Tagging by Means of Shallow Parsing, ILP and Active Learning

  • Retore C., Bonato R.: Learning Rigid Lambek Grammars and Minimalist Grammars from Structured Sentences
  • Presentation

    Our purpose is to provide a forum for discussion on all aspects of learning language in logic.
    It is the follow-up of the previous LLL workshops held in 1999 in Bled, Slovenia, and in 2000 in Lisboa, Portugal.

    The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers who are working on learning from text, while emphasizing the logic-based learning techniques and algorithms.

    We strongly encourage contributions concerning semantic analysis of natural languages, describing logic-based learning techniques alternative to ILP, employing active learning, or solving tasks for other languages than English.

    These techniques include but are not limited to:

  • Combinations of approaches and multi-strategy learning
  • Instance-based and clustering approaches in relational learning
  • Scalability issues (applying logic-based methods to large data sets)
  • Logical approaches to statistical NLP
  • Higher-order logic for LLL
  • Handling very complex terms
  • Collaborative and interactive learning

  • Shallow parsing
  • Grammar learning
  • Learning subcategorisation frames
  • Part-of-speech tagging
  • Morphosyntactic tagging
  • Morphological analysis
  • Information indexing, filtering, retrieval, extraction
  • Text classification methods
  • Question answering
  • Learning ontologies, thesauri and lexicon
  • Extracting predicate-argument structure
  • The workshop will be two half days, including 1 invited talk, a joint ILP/LLL session, and a session on works in progress.

    Works in progress will be published in a separate working notes.

    Program committee

  • Pieter Adriaans (Syllogic and University of Amsterdam, Netherlands)
  • James Cussens (University of York, UK)
  • Martin Eineborg (University of Stockholm, Sweden)
  • Tomaz Erjavec (Institute Jozef Stefan, Slovenia)
  • Suresh Manandhar (University of York, UK)
  • Claire Nédellec (LRI, University of Paris-Sud, France)
  • Guenter Neumann (DFKI, Saarbrücken, Germany)
  • Lubos Popelinsky (Masaryk University in Brno, Czechia) (chair)
  • Stefan Wrobel (University of Magdeburg, Germany)
  • Organization

    Nicolas Lachiche (LSIIT Strasbourg, France)

    Invited Speaker

    Dan Roth (University of Illinois, USA)


    LLL 2001 is financially supported by the Network of Excellence in Inductive Logic Programming ILPnet2 funded under the European Union's INCO program.


    Lubos Popelinsky
    Dept. of Comp. Sci., Faculty of Informatics
    Masaryk University, Botanická 68a
    CZ-602 00 Brno, Czech Republic
    Voice: +420 5 41512 324
    Fax: +420 5 4121 2568
    Email: lll01@fi.muni.cz
    HTTP: www.fi.muni.cz/~popel

    This page is maintained by Miloslav Nepil.
    Preliminary program
    Saturday, September 8th
    14,00	Opening
    14,15   From Logic to Grammars via Types
    	Dudau-Sofronie D., Tellier I., Tommasi M.
    14,45	Learning Rigid Lambek Grammars and Minimalist Grammars
    	from Structured Sentences
    	Retore C., Bonato R.
    15,15	Identification of reversible dependency tree languages
    	Besombes J., Marion J.-Y.
    15,45   Coffee break
    16,15	A Rule-Based Tagger Development Framework
    	Alexin Z. et al.
    16,45	Part-of-Speech Tagging by Means of Shallow Parsing, ILP and 
    	Active Learning
    	Nepil M., Popelinsky L., Zackova E.
    17,15	Interactive Background Knowledge Acquisition for Inducing
    	Differences among Documents
    	Nakabasami C.
    17,45	Closing
    Sunday, September 9th (Join session with ILP conference)
     9,00	Opening Session
     9,20	Natural Language Learning: Relational Learning via Propositional
            Dan Roth, Invited Speaker
    10,20	Break
    10,45   Automated Parser Construction from a Treebank by means of TBL
    	and ILP
    	Miloslav Nepil
    11,25   Learning functions from imperfect positive data
            Filip Zelezny
    12,05   Deductive and Inductive Reasoning on Semi-Structured Documents
            Modelled with Hedges
            Akihiro Yamamoto, Kimihito Ito, Akira Ishino & Hiroki Arimura
    12,30   Lunch