Overview Problem ORDERS PHONE PARITY ORDERS.PAS PHONE.PAS PARITY.PAS Source name ORDERS.C PHONE.C PARITY.C ORDERS.CPP PHONE.CPP PARITY.CPP Input file ORDERS.IN PHONE.IN PARITY.IN Output file ORDERS.OUT PHONE.OUT PARITY.OUT Time limit per test 20 seconds 20 seconds 40 seconds Number of tests 10 10 10 Points per test 2 4 4 * The maximum total score for Round I is 100 points. * The time for questions has been extended to the whole first hour of the contest. * Testing can take place on slower computers than those used during the competition, so the time limits should be taken as informative only. * Your programs will be compiled by `tpc' (Pascal) or `bcc -mlarge' (C and C++), no special options will be set. * If the time limit is exceeded, the output of the program for the parti\-cular test case is not examined at all.