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Archive of study catalogues

Study catalogues from the year 2012/2013

Study catalogues up to 2011/2012

Available as PDF only.




  • On page 63, the sentence "by completing at least one course in each of the groups..." has been changed to: by passing at least four subjects in the compulsory elective courses of the...
  • On page 39, the subject VB000 is missing
  • On page 140 - 143 change in the newly listed courses and add a new group - Systems Biology Page 141 - by earning 12 credits in the required electives of the major, the Common Elective group; is changed to:
    - by earning 10 credits of required electives in the major, Common Elective group;

    New courses and a new group in the Master of Bioinformatics
    Compulsory courses in the field
    PB051 Computational Methods in Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
    PA010 Computer Graphics or newly PA055 Visualization of Complex Data

    Further sorted by group
    Common group
    PB050 Modelling and Prediction in Systems Biology
    PB051 Computational methods in bioinformatics and systems biology
    PV229 Multimedia Similarity Searching in Practice
    Graphics and Proteins
    PA055 Visualization of Complex Data
    Systems Biology
    PB172 Seminar in Systems Biology
    PA183 Systems Biology Project
    PV205 Seminar on Complex Systems
    PA054 Formal Models in Systems Biology
    IV118 Formal Methods in Systems Biology
    PV225 Systems Biology Laboratory
    PB050 Modelling and Prediction in Systems Biology

    • Required course in Graphics, Nav. M.Sc. program - in 2009 PV220 replaced PA157
    • On page 82, PV085 is not a compulsory course



New study fields in Bachelor and Master programmes (2007)

New fields of study in Bachelor's and Master's programmes




  • The course "Circuits and Modules" (with code MA036 at FI and code M5110 at Faculty of Arts) will not be taught in the autumn semester 2004. Instead, the course "Theory of Categories" (with the code M7150 at the Faculty of Arts) will be offered in the same semester.The teacher is Prof.RNDr.Jiří Rosický, DrSc.


  • On page 35 , the dates by which changes can be made to the course registration have been changed from 6.10.2003 to 5.10.2003 and from 8.3.2004 to 7.3.2004.
  • On page 79 , in the definition of prerequisites for the Software Systems specialization, replace "one or two remaining" with "up to three remaining".
  • On page 128, introductory paragraph of section 18.2 on the state master's examination for 2/l mgr. studies, the sentence
    "In the oral part of the state examination, the student shall demonstrate knowledge in three pre-selected areas chosen from the following lists ..."
    is replaced by the sentence
    "In the oral part of the state examination, the student demonstrates knowledge in the subjects specified in the lists below ...
  • On page 212 the prerequisites for IV100 in the Autumn 2003 semester are incorrectly listed - instead of IB108 it should be IB002.


  • Page 15, section 1.2, penultimate paragraph has the text
    "The fields of study Computer Science and Applied Computer Science are further subdivided into specializations, the completion of which is mandatory in this case."
    replaced by:
    "The fields of study Informatics and Applied Informatics are further subdivided into specialisations, the completion of which is compulsory only for the field of Informatics."
  • Page 42, equivalence table to PB156:
    P013, P017 is listed, the correct number should be P013, P117.
  • P. 51:
    PB103 in the table and in *) should correctly be PB001
  • Page 68, 4th row from top
    Instead of "is worth 12 credits" it should read "is worth 120 credits".