09-Page or 12-Page Booklet Print a 9, 10, 11 or 12 page booklet. Tiffany Antopolski tiffany@antopolski.com

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9-Page to 12-Page Booklet

If you have a 9, 10 or 11 page PDF document you should add the appropriate number of blank pages to make it 12-pages. To do so, you can:

Create a blank PDF using LibreOffice Writer.

Merge the blank pages with your PDF document using PDF-Shuffler placing the blank pages at the end.

To print:

Click FilePrint.

Choose the General tab.

Under Range, choose Pages.

Type the numbers of the pages in this order: 12, 1, 2, 11, 10, 3, 4, 9, 8, 5, 6, 7

Choose the Page Setup tab.

Under Layout, in the Two-side menu, select One Sided.

In the Pages per side menu, select 2.

In the Page ordering menu, select Left to right.

In the Only print menu, select Odd sheets.

Click Print.

When all the pages have printed, flip the pages over and place them back in the printer.

Click FilePrint.

Choose the Page Setup tab.

In the Only print menu, select Even sheets.

Click Print.