All keyboard shortcuts listed, and how to create custome shortcuts. Phil Bull

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Keyboard Shortcuts
Default Shortcuts
Opening, Closing, Saving And Printing
Open a document.CtrlO
Open a copy of the current document. CtrlN
Save a copy of the current document with a new file name.CtrlS
Print the current document.CtrlP
Close the current document window.CtrlW
Reload the document (effectively closes and re-opens the document).CtrlR
Moving around the document
Move up/down a page.Arrow keys
Move up/down a page several lines at a time.Page Up / Page Down
Go to the previous/next page.CtrlPage Up / CtrlPage Down
Go to the beginning of a page (beginning of the document if View Continuous is selected).Home
Go to the end of a page (end of the document if ViewContinuous is selected). End
Go to the beginning of the document.CtrlHome
Go to the end of the document.CtrlEnd
Selecting and copying text
Copy highlighted text.CtrlC
Select all the text in a document.CtrlA
Finding text
Show the toolbar that lets you search for words in the document. The search box is automatically highlighted when you press this, and the search will start as soon as you type some text. CtrlF
Go to the next search result.CtrlG
Go to the previous search result.CtrlShiftG
Rotating and zooming
Rotate the pages 90 degrees counter-clockwise.CtrlLeft arrow
Rotate the pages 90 degrees clockwise.CtrlRight arrow
Zoom in.Ctrl+
Zoom out.Ctrl-
Create Your Own Custom Shortcuts

Enable the /desktop/gnome/interface/can_change_accels flag in gconf:

PressAltF2. The Run Application dialogue opens.

In the textbox, type 'gconf-editor'.

In the Configuration Editor select desktopgnomeinterface.

Check the value box for can_change_accels in the right side of the window.

You can add/change the shortcut as follows:

Open Evince Document Viewer.

Hover the pointer over the menu item you want to change/create the shortcut for.

Enter the shortcut you want on the keyboard, e.g. CtrlShiftT.

Close Evince Document Viewer.

Repeat steps 1-3.

Uncheck the value box for can_change_accels in the right side of the window.

The next time Evince starts your custom shortcut key will be preserved.

Note that this also works for many other Gnome applications as well.