+The second and the third column
+represents the mean of the query count and the omitted query count per document. The fourth
+column shows total portion of similarities found, taking into account the number of similarities regardless of interval sizes.
+ We can see that nearly half of the prepared queries were
+omitted due to the fact, that there had been found a similarity covering their document position.
+We can also see that there were detected about 5 cases
+of potential plagiarism on average, by means of used AWFC intrinsic plagiarism detection method.
+Table~\ref{querycount} also shows keyword based queries as the most successful and
+headers based queries as the least successful. Despite the fact, that they were greatest
+in number they ended with only more than a 3\% of total similarities found. Nevertheless, please
+note that the headers based queries were executed as the last, thus they were used only for
+finding undiscovered potential similarities. In order to really compere the query type performance, we
+would need to execute and evaluate them separately.
+To conclude this section we can say, that all types of queries were more or less successful. The headers based
+were executed last and in the process they were the least successful. The interesting
+ finding is the fact, that we can even greatly lower the number of executed queries.
+By omitting all of headers based queries we could lover the total number of executed queries by 45 \% with only
+3.2 \% of recall lost.