How and where to report problems. Tiffany Antopolski

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File a Bug Against <app>Evince</app>

To file a bug against Evince, click on the link .

This is a bug tracking system where users and developers can file details about bugs, crashes and request enhancements.

To participate you need an account which will give you the ability to gain access, file bugs, and make comments. Also, you need to register so you can receive updates by e-mail about the status of your bug. If you don't already have an account, just click on the "New" link to create one.

Once you have an account, log in, click on Fila a BugDesktopevince. Before reporting a bug, please read the bug writing guidelines, and please browse for the bug to see if it already exists.

To file your bug, choose the component in the Component menu. If you are not sure which component your bug pertains to, choose general.

If you are requesting an enhancement, choose enhancement in the Severity menu. Fill in the Summary and Description sections and click Commit.

Your report will be given an ID number, and it's status will be updated as it is being dealt with.