Yenya's World

Wed, 13 Aug 2008

Password Manager

Leaving the PalmOS platform, I need a new tool for storing my passwords securely (I have been using GNU Keyring with its JPilot conduit so far). What do you use for your passwords? Is it secure, easy-to-use, synchronizable both with other computers (think using the password data from home and work computers) and with other platforms (Nokia maemo in my case)?

I am thinking about GNOME Revelation, but I am not sure about its synchronization abilities. The other options are Gringotts (which has a maemo port as well), pwsafe (which is said to be compatible with Bruce Schneier's passwordsafe), or gpassman.

Section: /computers (RSS feed) | Permanent link | 4 writebacks

4 replies for this story:

valor wrote: Keepass -- I like this one, as I was looking for something for WindowsCE, originally. It keeps the passwords saved in one binary file that can be synchronized as an ordinary file over all platforms.. perhaps :)

Owen wrote: GNUKeyring isn't as Palm specific as you think!

For your desktop: (for the best look and feel, run with something like: -Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd_hrgb For your Maemo: Cheers, Owen

Petr "Stone" Hracek wrote: Keepass

I've been using Keepass on my work as well. it has port also for Windows and Linux. In my home I am using only Linux and therefore it was neccessary to have both clients. In Windows is also Freeware called PasswordSafe which has some more features but it has not port to Linux yet

Tomáš Pecina wrote: Revelation + Gpasman

I solved the problem by using Revelation on my PC(s) and gpasman on the N810. I even wrote a simple conversion utility for syncing my tablet with the PC. The opposite direction is not easily possible as gpasman stores less data than Revelation (and it does not timestamp the entries). It will have to be done manually. Fortunately, I haven't needed it yet.

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