Technical Reports

A list with abstracts sorted by year - 1995

Notes on Compound Word Hyphenation in TeX

by Petr Sojka, August 1995, 12 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-04. Available as Postscript, PDF.


The problems of the automatic compound word and discretionary hyphenation in TeX are discussed. These hyphenation points have to be marked manually in the TeX source file so far. Several methods how to tackle with these problems are observed. The results obtained from experiments with German wordlist are discussed.

WiM: A Study on the Top-Down ILP Program

by Luboš Popelínský, August 1995, 18 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-03. Available as Postscript, PDF.


In the area of the inductive synthesis of logic programs it is the small number of examples which is crucial. We show that the classical MIS-like architecture can be adapted using techniques described in ILP literature so that we reach very good results if to compare with other ILP systems. We describe the top-down ILP program WiM and the results obtained through it. WiM needs from 2 to 4 examples for most of the ILP benchmark predicates. Even though it is interactive, not more that one membership query is enough to receive the correct target program. WiM has higher efficiency of learning as well as smaller dependency on the quality of the example set in comparison to some of ILP programs. The quality of learning has been tested both on good examples and on randomly chosen example sets.

Smoothing Integral Transforms for Molecular Mechanics Force Fields

by Petr Mejzlík, April 1995, 16 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-02. Available as Postscript, PDF.


A new class of methods, based on a special type of smoothing integral transforms, has recently been developed to solve problems concerning conformational optimization in computational chemistry. These methods do not apply an optimization procedure directly to the original potential function, but tracs low minima through a sequence of transformed potential functions with decreasing level of smoothing. This work studies the integral smoothing transforms in general and applies the theory to a class of potential functions which are typically used by molecular mechanics and related methods for computations with large molecules. It also addresses the problems of computational complexity of the transforms and their approximations.

On Biases in Inductive Data Engineering

by Jana Kuklová, Luboš Popelínský, March 1995, 7 pages.

FIMU-RS-95-01. Available as Postscript, PDF.


An utilization of inductive reasoning [Flene94] in the database area looks promising [Agar93], [DeRae92], [DeRae93], [Flach93], [Kivi92], [Savnik93], [Manni93]. Inductive data engineering, as introduced in [Flach93], means a process of restructuring database by means of induction.

In our work we focus on exploitation of inductive logic programming for database schema design [Roll92]. We propose modifications of INDEX, described in [Flach93], namely new biases for narrowing search space, as well as stopping criterion

In this article the case of single relation is described.

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