MFCS'98 Workshop on Concurrency - Algorithms and Tools

A Satellite Workshop to MFCS'98

August 27-29, 1998, Brno, Czech Republic


Please note the workshop is prolonged till August 29


The Aim The workshop will focus on the problem of modelling, testing, and verification of concurrent systems. This area has recently attracted a lot of attention - a large theory answering many interesting questions has been developed, and parts of the theory have also been applied. The aim of the workshop is to highlight promising theoretical approaches and paradigms which affect the development of practical tools for (semi)automatic verification of concurrent systems. Presentations of working experimental tools are also welcome.

Topics Suggested topics of interest include (but are not limited to): decidability and complexity of testing behavioural equivalences, model checking and other verification problems for various models of (concurrent) systems, models for concurrency, practical tools for modelling and verification of concurrent systems, verification of infinite-state processes.


  • J. Esparza (Munich)
    Unfoldings: verification using partial orders

  • F. Moller (Uppsala)
    Pushdown Automata, Multiset Automata, and Petri Nets

Accepted Papers
The list of accepted papers in alphabetical order
The programme of the workshop (incl. time schedule)

The workshop will be organised at the same place as the federated CSL/MFCS'98 conference and care will be taken that participants of the workshop can attend invited talks of CSL/MFCS conferences.

Proceedings Preliminary proceedings in the form of a technical report will be available at the workshop. No special versions of accepted papers will be required - however, authors can submit a new version of their paper if they find it appropriate.
The final form of proceedings containing the revised (and full) versions of the contributions will appear as a volume of ENTCS (Electronic Notes of Theoretical Computer Science, Elsevier Science B.V.) at URL

Fees A small registration fee will be required for participants who also register for CSL/MFCS'98 conference. A registration only for workshop will be also possible - expenses for fee, accommodation, and basic meals will be very modest.

Submission: May 25, 1998

Notification: June 15, 1998

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