program parity; type answer=record range_from,range_to:longint; parity:boolean; end; var answers:array[1..5000] of answer; {The array where will be stored your friend's answers. The answers will be sorted by the value of range_from. There will be no two answers beginning at the same position in the array.} procedure exchange(p,q:word); {Exchange two answers (on position p and q) in the array} var r:answer; begin r:=answers[p]; answers[p]:=answers[q]; answers[q]:=r end; var contradiction:boolean; {Contradiction in the input?} length:longint; {The length of the sequence} answers_given:word; {How many answers are there in the input file?} answers_read:word; {How many answers has been already read?} answers_stored:word; {How many answers has been stored in the array?} i:word; s:string; f:text; begin {Opening the input file} assign(f,''); reset(f); readln(f,length); readln(f,answers_given); {Initializing the variables} contradiction:=false; answers_read:=0; answers_stored:=0; {And reading the input file} if answers_given<>0 then repeat inc(answers_read); inc(answers_stored); readln(f,answers[answers_stored].range_from,answers[answers_stored].range_to,s); answers[answers_stored].parity:=s=' odd'; {Where should the answer be stored in the array?} i:=answers_stored-1; while (i>0) and (answers[i].range_from>=answers[answers_stored].range_from) do dec(i); inc(i); {Some reductions needed?} while (i<>answers_stored) and (answers[i].range_from=answers[answers_stored].range_from) do begin if answers[i].range_to>answers[answers_stored].range_to then exchange(i,answers_stored); if answers[i].range_to=answers[answers_stored].range_to then begin {This answer is either useless or contradiction.} contradiction:=answers[i].parity<>answers[answers_stored].parity; dec(answers_stored); i:=answers_stored; end else begin {The only other possibility is "<".} {Making some reductions} answers[answers_stored].range_from:=answers[i].range_to+1; answers[answers_stored].parity:=answers[i].parity xor answers[answers_stored].parity; end; while (ianswers_stored) do begin exchange(i,answers_stored); inc(i) end until contradiction or (answers_read=answers_given); close(f); {Writing results to the output file} assign(f,'parity.out'); rewrite(f); if contradiction then writeln(f,answers_read-1) else writeln(f,answers_read); close(f); end.