

i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > Member List

This is the complete list of members for i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >, including all inherited members.

begin()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
begin() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
capacityi3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
componentsi3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >
ComputeHistDesc(byte histo_smooth=std_histo_smooth, float thres_factor=std_thres_factor)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
ConsistentVoxelType() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL >
Convert(Image3d< T > &img)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline]
CopyFromVOI(const Image3d< LABEL > &src, const VOI< size_t > &voi)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
CreateForegroundRegionsFF(const Image3d< VOXEL > &, const Neighbourhood &nb=nb3D_6)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >
CreateRegions(Image3d< VOXEL > &, const Neighbourhood &nb=nb3D_6)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >
CreateRegionsFF(Image3d< VOXEL > &, const Neighbourhood &nb=nb3D_6)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >
datai3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
DisposeData()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
end()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
end() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetCoords(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetDisplacement() consti3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline]
GetFirstVoxelAddr()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetFirstVoxelAddr() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetHeight(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetImageSize(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetIndex(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetNumSlices(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetOffset() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetOrigHisto() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetRange(LABEL &min, LABEL &max)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
GetResolution() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetSize() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetSizeX(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetSizeY(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetSizeZ(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetSliceSize(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVOI(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxel(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxel(const Vector3d< size_t > &v) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxel(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxelAddr(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxelAddr(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxelAddr(size_t i)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxelAddr(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetVoxelData()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetWidth(void) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetX(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetY(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
GetZ(size_t i) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
Image3d(const Offset *off_=0, const Resolution *res_=0)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline, explicit]
Image3d(const char *fname, VOI< size_t > *voi=0, bool is_regex=false, int channel=-1, const Offset *off_=0, const Resolution *res_=0)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
Image3d(const Image3d &, const VOI< size_t > *voi=0)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
Image3d(const Image3d &, const VOI< float > &voi)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
Include(int x, int y, int z) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
Include(Vector3d< int > v) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
IsEmpty() consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
LabeledImage3d(const Offset *off_=0, const Resolution *res_=0)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline, explicit]
MakeRoom(size_t width, size_t height, size_t slices)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
MakeRoom(const Vector3d< size_t > &sz)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
MergeComponents(LABEL comp, Predicate pred)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline]
MergeComponents(LABEL comp1, LABEL comp2)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL >
NumberOfComponents()i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline]
offseti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
OnBorder(const Vector3d< size_t > v) consti3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
operator=(const Image3d &)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
origHistoi3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
ReadImage(const char *fname, VOI< size_t > *voi=0, bool is_regex=false, int channel=-1, const Offset *off_=0, const Resolution *res_=0)i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
resolutioni3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
SaveImage(const char *fname, FileFormat ft=IMG_UNKNOWN, bool comp=true) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
SetDisplacement(const Vector3d< int > &d)i3d::LabeledImage3d< LABEL, VOXEL > [inline]
SetOffset(const Offset &off_)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
SetOrigHisto(const HistDesc &h)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
SetResolution(const Resolution &res_)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
SetVoxel(size_t i, LABELvoxel)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
SetVoxel(size_t x, size_t y, size_t z, LABELvoxel)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
SetVoxel(const Vector3d< size_t > &v, LABELvoxel)i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline]
sizei3d::Image3d< LABEL > [protected]
TestConsistency(ImgVoxelType itype) const i3d::Image3d< LABEL >
~Image3d()i3d::Image3d< LABEL > [inline, virtual]